基于变间距螺旋线的计算机控制抛光轨迹规划 |
Path Planning of Computer-controlled Polishing Process Based on Variable-pitch Spiral |
Received:July 14, 2017 Revised:September 10, 2017 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2017.05.033 |
中文关键词: 计算机控制抛光 螺旋线轨迹 参数优化 |
英文关键词: computer-controlled polishing spiral path parameter optimization |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51375094) |
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中文摘要: |
目的 改善抛光轨迹以获得更好的加工精度。方法 分析计算机控制抛光中常使用的阿基米德螺旋线轨迹,发现使用该方法加工回转曲面时,由于投影行距变化,导致轨迹间去除区域的接触情况变化较大,将影响抛光后的表面质量。为此引入面积重叠率这一概念,以量化分析去除区域的接触面积变化情况,同时提出一种变间距的螺旋线轨迹规划方法,该方法可确保加工轨迹产生的去除区域均匀一致。结果 分别采用2种螺旋线轨迹规划方法对同一初始表面(面形误差为峰谷值Epv=9.04 µm,均方根值Erms=0.6228 µm)进行仿真加工,采用变间距螺旋线所得抛光后面形误差为Epv=2.15 µm,Erms=0.018 µm,而采用阿基米德螺旋线所得抛光后面形误差为Epv=3.47 µm,Erms=0.036 µm。结论 仿真结果表明,采用变间距螺旋线轨迹抛光后的表面质量相比阿基米德螺旋线轨迹有较大的提高。 |
英文摘要: |
The paper aims to improve the polishing path and obtain better machining accuracy. Archimedes spiral path, which was widely used in computer-controlled polishing process was analyzed. When the curved surface was processed by this method, the contact situation between the removal area changed greatly due to the variable projection path interval. And it would affect the surface quality after polishing. Thus the concept of Area-overlap-rate was introduced to quantitatively describe the varying contact situation of the removal area. A path planning with variable-pitch spiral was proposed to make sure that the removal area generated by the machining path is uniform. The two types of spiral path planning methods were used to simulate the same initial surface (surface error: peak-to-valley, Epv=9.04 µm; root mean square, Erms=0.6228 µm). After polishing, the surface error used the variable-pitch spiral path was Epv=3.47 µm, Erms=0.036 µm and the surface error used the Archimedes spiral path was Epv=3.47 µm, Erms=0.036 µm. The path planning has a greater improvement in polished surface quality compared with Archimedes spiral path. |
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