Optimization and Experiment on Forming Process of Automotive Thermal Insulation Part
Received:June 27, 2017  Revised:September 10, 2017
中文关键词: 隔热罩  有限元仿真  正交试验  灰色系统理论
英文关键词: thermal shroud  finite element simulation  orthogonal test  gray system theory
Author NameAffiliation
JIN Jie Power Engineering Department of Anhui Electrical Engineering Professional Technique College, Hefei 230001, China 
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      目的 建立隔热罩工艺参数与成形质量之间的精确关系。方法 对一款汽车底盘用隔热罩进行成形仿真,以压边力、锁模力、摩擦因数、模具间隙为自变量进行四因素四水平的正交试验,获得材料厚度的最大减薄率。结果 利用灰色系统理论,计算出了成形工艺参数对目标函数的关联系数及关联度,将优化获得的工艺参数进行了有限元模拟及实验验证。结论 成形后的隔热罩质量得到显著提高。
      The paper aims to establish an exact relationship between process parameters and forming quality of thermal shroud. The forming of a thermal shroud was simulated to obtain the maximum thinning rate of material with a designed orthogonal test of four factors and four levels with blank holder force, clamping force, friction coefficient, die interval as independent variables during such simulation. Based on the grey system theory, the correlation coefficient and correlation degree of the forming process parameters to the objective function were calculated. Finite element simulation and experimental verification of the optimized process parameters were also carried out. The quality of thermal shroud is improved obviously after forming.
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