Bullet Proof Test of Magnesium Alloy Armor Plate
Received:May 12, 2017  Revised:September 10, 2017
中文关键词: 镁合金  装甲板  钢板  防弹测试
英文关键词: magnesium alloy  armor plate  steel plate  bullet proof test
Author NameAffiliation
LIAO Qi-yu Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, Ministry of Education, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China 
LE Qi-chi Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, Ministry of Education, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China 
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      目的 研究不同厚度的“镁合金-钢”复合、“钢-镁合金-钢”复合装甲靶材以及单一材料的镁合金和钢装甲靶材,对7.62 mm和12.7 mm这2种类型子弹的抗弹效果。方法 通过“半连续电磁铸造-均匀化退火-挤压变形-时效热处理”等一系列工艺,制备镁合金装甲靶材。通过研究子弹入射深度和子弹弹孔的宏观及微观图片,分析不同组合靶板的抗弹效果。结果 “30 mm镁合金C-4 mm钢板”对7.62 mm子弹具有良好的抗弹性;“8 mm钢板-30 mm镁合金B-8 mm钢板”对12.7 mm子弹具有良好的抗弹性;越靠近弹孔,晶粒变形越明显,且孪晶越多,孪晶密集处出现裂纹,推断弹孔周围孪晶是导致裂纹产生的原因。结论 几种工业镁合金与钢板复合组成的装甲板可以有效达到防弹效果。
      The paper aims to study bulletproof effects of different combinations of several kinds of Mg alloy-steel composite armor target and Mg alloy armor target tested by means of anti ballistic test by two types of bullet caliber, 7.62 mm and 12.7 mm. The magnesium alloy armor target was prepared by a series of processes, such as semi continuous electromagnetic casting, homogenization annealing, extrusion deformation and aging heat treatment. The bulletproof effects of different target combinations were analyzed through studying on bullet penetration depth and bullets holes through macroscopic and microscopic images. 30 mm Mg alloy C-4 mm steel had good bulletproof effects on 7.62 mm bullet; 8 mm-30 mm Mg alloy B-8 mm steel had good bulletproof effects on 12.7 mm bullet. The more close to the bullet hole, the more apparent the grain deformation and the more twin crystals. Cracks appeared in dense twin crystals. It was concluded that twin crystal was the cause of cracks. Armor plate composed of several magnesium alloy and steel plates can achieve good bullet proof effect.
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