Forming of TiAlSi Intermetallics in Al-18Si-5Ti Alloys
Received:August 24, 2017  Revised:September 10, 2017
中文关键词: TiAlSi金属间化合物  熔体参数  Ti源  相变
英文关键词: TiAlSi intermetallics  melting parameters  Ti source  evolution
Author NameAffiliation
GAO Tong Key Laboratory for Liquid-Solid Structural Evolution & Processing of Materials, Ministry of Education, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, China 
LIU Xiang-fa Key Laboratory for Liquid-Solid Structural Evolution & Processing of Materials, Ministry of Education, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, China 
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      目的 选取Al-18Si-5Ti合金为研究对象,研究TiAlSi金属间化合物成分、结构和形貌的形成规律。方法 通过调整制备工艺(如熔体反应法、液固反应法),改变制备温度和原料(Ti源),可得到板片状或块状的Ti7Al5Si12或Ti(Al1–x,Six)3相。结果 使用海绵Ti为原料时,高的熔炼温度倾向于合成板片状Ti7Al5Si12,而低温则易于形成块状Ti7Al5Si12;当使用K2TiF6、Al-10Ti中间合金或以Al粉、Si粉及Ti粉为原料时,可通过熔体反应或液固扩散反应合成块状的Ti7Al5Si12或Ti(Al1–x,Six)3相。结论 通过对熔体参数调整,可实现Al-Si系合金中TiAlSi相的设计。
      Al-18Si-5Ti alloys were selected to research the develop rules on compositions, structures and morphologies of TiAlSi intermetallics. By changing preparation technology (such as reaction in melt and liquid-solid reaction) and melting temperature & raw materials (Ti source), flake-like and block-like Ti7Al5Si12 or Ti(Al1–xSix)3 phases could be obtained. When Ti sponge was taken as raw material, higher melting temperature preferred to form flake-like Ti7Al5Si12 particles, while block-like morphological Ti7Al5Si12 particles could be synthesized at lower temperature. By adding K2TiF6 salt or Al-10Ti master alloy into Al-Si melt, or using mixed Al, Si, and Ti powders as raw materials, block-like Ti7Al5Si12 or Ti(Al1–xSix)3 could be achieved either through reactions in the melt or via diffusion procedures between liquid and solid phases. Adjustment of melting parameters could achieve design of TiAlSi phase of Al-Si alloy.
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