Optimization of Heat Treatment Process for Low Mg Content ZL305 Aluminum Alloy Based on Orthogonal Test
Received:May 19, 2017  Revised:July 10, 2017
中文关键词: 低镁ZL305铝合金  正交试验  热处理工艺  优化
英文关键词: low Mg content ZL305 aluminum alloy  orthogonal test  heat treatment process  optimization
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Man-lin Chongqing Military Representation Bureau of NAVFEC Department, Chongqing 401120, China 
LU Xing-le Chongqing Changan Industry (Group) of Limited Liability Company, Chongqing 401120, China 
WU Yong-guo Chongqing Changan Industry (Group) of Limited Liability Company, Chongqing 401120, China 
CHAI Shu-xin Southwest Technology and Engineering Research Institute, Chongqing 400039, China 
QU Jun-cen Southwest Technology and Engineering Research Institute, Chongqing 400039, China 
GAO Shi-lei Southwest Technology and Engineering Research Institute, Chongqing 400039, China 
WAN Yuan-yuan Southwest Technology and Engineering Research Institute, Chongqing 400039, China 
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      目的 优化低镁含量ZL305铝合金热处理工艺参数。方法 采用正交试验法,研究固溶温度、固溶时间、淬火介质对低镁ZL305铝合金力学性能和组织的影响。结果 固溶温度对抗拉强度的影响最大且显著,固溶时间和淬火介质温度对抗拉强度的影响次之,但不显著;对断后伸长率影响最大的是固溶温度,其次是淬火介质温度和固溶时间,但影响均不显著。结论 当采用固溶温度为495 ℃、固溶时间为12 h、淬火介质温度为25 ℃的处理参数时,低镁ZL305铝合金材料的固溶效果最优。
      The paper aims to optimize parameters on heat treatment process of low magnesium content ZL305 aluminum alloy. The effects of solution temperature, solution time and quenching medium temperature on the mechanical properties and microstructure of low magnesium ZL305 aluminum alloy were investigated by orthogonal test. The effect of solution temperature on the tensile strength was the largest and significant. The effect of solution temperature and quenching medium on the tensile strength was the second largest, but not significant. The solution temperature had the greatest influence on the elongation after fracture, followed by the quenching medium temperature and solution time, but their impacts were not significant. The optimum solution parameters of low magnesium ZL305 aluminum alloy are: solution temperature 495 ℃, solution time 12 h, quenching medium temperature 25 ℃.
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