Structural Design and Simulation Analysis of Automobile Air-conditioner Torque Limiter
Received:June 15, 2017  Revised:July 10, 2017
中文关键词: 扭矩限制器  仿真分析  样品验证  安全  汽车空调
英文关键词: torque limiter  simulation analysis  sample verification  safety  auto air conditioner
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Rong-sheng 1.Anhui Hao Fang Electrical and Mechanical Co., Ltd., Bengbu 233000, China
2.Bengbu City Air-conditioning Compressor Drive Technology Provincial Laboratory, Bengbu 233000, China 
CHEN Kai Anhui Hao Fang Electrical and Mechanical Co., Ltd., Bengbu 233000, China 
LIU Yuan-bao 1.Anhui Hao Fang Electrical and Mechanical Co., Ltd., Bengbu 233000, China
2.Bengbu City Air-conditioning Compressor Drive Technology Provincial Laboratory, Bengbu 233000, China 
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      目的 解决汽车空调压缩机扭矩限制器成本高、产生断裂碎片、可靠性低、耐久性差等问题。方法 采用CAE分析以及实物样品验证相结合的方法,从安全、降本的角度研究设计新型的扭矩限制器。结果 CAE分析以及试验验证均满足设计要求。结论 新型扭矩限制器是安全可靠的,且成本低廉,该新型扭矩限制器有效解决了现有产品存在的安全、成本问题,为汽车的安全性提供一份保障。
      This paper aims to solve problems of high cost, broken fragments, low reliability and poor durability of torque limiter for auto air-condition compressor. CAE analysis and physical sample verification method were used to design a new type of torque limiter from the point of view of safety and cost reduction. Both CAE analysis and test verification met the design requirements, which concluded that the new torque limiter is safe and reliable, and low cost. The new torque limiter effectively solves the existing product security and cost problems and guarantees the safety of the car.
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