Formability of the 3rd Generation High Strength Steel——QP Steel Based on Part Application
Received:June 13, 2017  Revised:July 10, 2017
中文关键词: QP钢  成形特性  冲压  高强钢
英文关键词: QP steel  stamping  formability  high strength steel
Author NameAffiliation
LIAN Chang-wei 1.Research Institute of Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201900, China
2.State Key Laboratory of Development and Application Technology of Automotive Steels (Baosteel), Shanghai 201900, China 
CHEN Xin-ping 1.Research Institute of Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201900, China
2.State Key Laboratory of Development and Application Technology of Automotive Steels (Baosteel), Shanghai 201900, China 
YE You Pan Asia Technical Automotive Center Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201201, China 
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      目的 研究第3代高强钢——QP钢在实际零件上应用涉及的成形特性问题。方法 通过微观组织分析、单向拉伸、成形极限、V形弯曲回弹等试验,分析探讨了QP钢的力学性能、成形性能、成形极限和弯曲特性,并与广泛应用的DP钢对比。结果 QP钢HC600/980QP的成形性能好于相同强度级别的DP钢HC550/980DP,与HC420/780DP相当;QP钢弯曲回弹量比同等强度级别DP钢大。通过2个试冲零件的分析,验证了QP的成形特性,并从零件应用角度提出了QP 钢的零件适用范围和零件设计要点。结论 QP钢具有综合的强度和塑性性能,有助于解决局部特征复杂的难成形零件和具有等截面特征的零件,在汽车车身结构件上有较大的应用前景。
      The paper aims to study forming characteristics of the third generation high strength steel——QP steel. By comparing with DP steel, mechanical properties, forming properties, forming limit and bending properties of QP steel were analyzed with microstructure analysis, tensile test, forming limit and V-shape bending test. QP steel had excellent formability. HC600/980QP performed better than the same strength level of HC550/980DP, and was equal to HC420/780DP. For bending springback, QP steel was slightly larger than the same strength grade DP steel. Forming characteristics of QP were verified through analysis of the two stamped parts. Range of application and key point of design of parts for QP steel were proposed from application of QP steel parts. QP steel has comprehensive strength and plastic properties, and is helpful to solve the forming problems for parts with complex local features or equal section characteristics. It has a great application prospect in structure parts for car body.
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