Forming Technology of Large Caliber and Cavity Parts
Received:May 14, 2017  Revised:July 10, 2017
中文关键词: 棒料锻造  管料收口  扩口  退料装置
英文关键词: bar stock forging  tube necking  expanding  rejecting device
Author NameAffiliation
DUAN Jian-xia Jinxi Industry Group Co., Ltd., Taiyuan 030027, China 
WANG Li-jun Jinxi Industry Group Co., Ltd., Taiyuan 030027, China 
LAN Zhi-qiang Jinxi Industry Group Co., Ltd., Taiyuan 030027, China 
Hits: 4538
Download times: 3645
      目的 降低原材料的消耗,节约毛坯生产成本。方法 改变成形方法,由原先的棒料锻造改为管料冲压成形,通过合理分配工序变形量,在小端收口的同时进行大端扩孔,经两次收口+一次扩口后冲压成形。结果 不仅减少了原材料的消耗,而且减少了切屑工时。结论 成功开创了大口径管材大扩孔量的先河,为今后成形更大直径的相似零件提供了强有力的技术支撑;同时采用了环形退料装置,优化了传统退料装置,消除了安全隐患,实现了半自动化卸料,可以同时满足大、中、小口径产品的退料要求,具有很好的推广和借鉴价值。
      The paper aims to reduce consumption of raw materials and save cost of workblank production. The forming method was changed from original bar stock forging to pipe stock pressing shaping by rationally distributing amount of deformation in working procedures, necking the small end and expanding the large end in the mean time to press and shape through two times of necking and one time of expanding. This process not only reduced the consumption of raw materials, but also shorten the working hours. It is a successful pioneer in large expansion end size of large caliber tubing and provides powerful technical support for shaping similar large diameter parts in the future. Meanwhile, it adopts the annular rejected material device, optimizes traditional rejected device, eliminates hidden safety risks, and realizes semiautomatic unloading. It meets rejecting requirements of large, medium and small caliper product and has fine value on popularizing and using for reference.
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