Micro-structures and Properties of Q235 and 30CrMnSiNi2A Dissimilar Steel Joints
Received:May 09, 2017  Revised:July 10, 2017
中文关键词: 异种钢焊接  组织  性能
英文关键词: dissimilar steel welding  micro-structure  properties
Author NameAffiliation
DENG Ji-ge The Military Representative Office in Southwest of the Air Force, Chongqing 400042, China 
XIONG Hong-jin The Military Representative Office in Southwest of the Air Force, Chongqing 400042, China 
LOU Yu-hang Chongqing Hongyu Precision Industry Co,. Ltd., Chongqing 402760, China 
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      目的 探讨30CrMnSiNi2A与Q235异种钢焊接接头的组织与性能。方法 采用手工电弧焊对两者进行焊接,为了获得性能良好的焊接接头,焊前对其进行焊前预热,焊后对其进行焊后退火。通过X射线探伤检测,拉伸、冲击试验,显微硬度检测及光学显微镜金相分析等一系列工艺试验,对焊接接头进行研究。结果 焊缝质量等级达到Ⅰ级;焊缝组织为先共析铁素体、针状铁素体、珠光体组织;30CrMnSiNi2A侧热影响区组织为回火索氏体,粗晶区组织片层厚度大于细晶区组织片层厚度;Q235侧热影响区由不完全重结晶区、细晶区、粗晶区组成。结论 30CrMnSiNi2A与Q235钢焊接后,获得了工艺性、力学性能良好的接头,可运用于2种材料焊接的实际生产。
      The paper aims to reveal micro-structures and mechanical properties of 30CrMnSiNi2A and Q235 dissimilar steel joints. Welded joints without developing any defects were obtained by SMAW (Shielded metal arc welding) after preheating and post annealing. The joints were studied by X-ray flaw detection, tensile and toughness test, micro-hardness and optical microscope analysis, etc. Joints reached to level Ⅰ quality; micro-structures of the welds consisted of GBF (Grain boundary ferrite), AF (Acicular ferrite), P (pearlite). HAZ (heat affect zone) of 30CrMnSiNi2A were the tempered sorbite. Its layer thickness was greater than that in the fine grain zone. HAZ of Q235 was composed of incomplete recrystallization region, fine grain zone and coarse grain zone. Welding of 30CrMnSiNi2A and Q235 dissimilar steel leads to joints of perfect manufacturability and mechanical property. It can be used for the actual production of the two kinds of welding materials.
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