连续流变挤压技术在制备高性能铝材中的应用 |
Application of Continuous Rheo-extrusion in Preparation of High Performance Aluminum Alloy |
Received:May 11, 2017 Revised:July 10, 2017 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2017.04.006 |
中文关键词: 连续流变挤压 Al-Ti-B细化剂 铝合金导电杆 超细晶 |
英文关键词: continuous rheo-extrusion Al-Ti-B refiner aluminum alloy conductor ultra-fine grain |
基金项目: |
Author Name | Affiliation | SHANG Ying-qiu | College of Materials Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China | WANG Xiang | College of Materials Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China | WANG Yu-xiang | College of Materials Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China | WANG Ning | College of Materials Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China | GUAN Ren-guo | College of Materials Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China |
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中文摘要: |
目的 探索铝材短流程制备工艺,制备出高性能铝合金材料。方法 采用连续流变挤压成形技术制备Al-Ti-B晶粒细化剂与Al-Sc-Zr耐热铝合金导线;利用提出的连续流变挤压与累积连续挤压法,制备超细晶金属材料。结果 采用连续流变挤压成形技术制备Al-Ti-B晶粒细化剂,其细化效果优于国外同类产品,且制备流程短、成本低;制备出的高性能的Al-Sc-Zr耐热铝合金导线,其抗拉强度、伸长率和导电率分别达到223 MPa、7.1%和60.5%IACS,并且可在230 ℃的温度下长期运行,相比于日本耐热铝合金导线,其抗拉强度、伸长率与导电率分别提高了39.4%, 255%, 0.83%;采用连续挤压技术制备的Al-Sc-Zr合金杆,经过累积连续挤压后,合金晶粒尺寸从100 μm细化至800 nm,得到了超细晶Al-Sc-Zr合金。结论 连续流变挤压技术制备铝材工艺流程短、产品性能优良,能连续高效制备铝合金超细晶材。 |
英文摘要: |
The paper aims to explore the manufacturing process of aluminum alloy to prepare high performance aluminum alloy. Al-Ti-B grain refiner and Al-Sc-Zr heat- resistant aluminum alloy conductor were prepared by continuous rheo-extrusion. The continuous rheo-extrusion and accumulative continuous extrusion forming (ACEF) were proposed to prepare ultra-fine grain metal material. The Al-Ti-B refiner processed by continuous rheo-extrusion had better grain refinement effect and lower cost and shorter process than refiner imported. A novel heat-resistant Al-Sc-Zr alloy conductor with the tensile strength of 223 MPa, elongation of 7.1%, and conductivity of 60.5% was also prepared, and it can be long-term used at 230 ℃. The tensile strength, elongation and conduc-tivity of the Al-Sc-Zr alloy conductor were 39.4%, 255% and 0.83% higher than that of Japanese heat-resistant Al alloy conductor. The grain size of Al-Sc-Zr alloy wire which was prepared by continuous rheo-extrusion was refined from 100 μm to 800 nm after one pass ACEF. Ultra-fine grain Al-Sc-Zr alloy was obtained by ACEF. The continuous rheo-extrusion has the advantages of short process and high performance of product, and can prepare ultra-fine grain of aluminum alloy continuously and effectively. |
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