Metal Armored MI Cable for Motor Winding
Received:April 21, 2017  Revised:May 10, 2017
中文关键词: 绕组  铠装电缆  矿物绝缘
英文关键词: winding  armored cable  mineral insulation
Author NameAffiliation
YANG Xiao-chen Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Reactor System Design Technology Laboratory, Nuclear Power Institute of China, Chengdu 610213, China 
YU Tian-da Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Reactor System Design Technology Laboratory, Nuclear Power Institute of China, Chengdu 610213, China 
YANG Fang-liang Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Reactor System Design Technology Laboratory, Nuclear Power Institute of China, Chengdu 610213, China 
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      目的 研究电机绕组用金属铠装矿物绝缘电缆的特性。方法 设计由316L材料外保护套、高纯氧化镁绝缘体和纯铜导线组成的铠装线,采用预制氧化镁瓷柱法,在不高于900 ℃温度下进行多道次减径处理,完成直径为2.2 mm,长为400 m的铠装线及一相定子绕组的试制,进而研究铠装线的绝缘电阻、击穿电压及热老化性能。结果 铠装线在500 ℃时的绝缘电阻不低于1×108 Ω•m,室温和500 ℃的击穿电压(工频50 Hz)均不低于1.95 kV,铠装线不存在绝缘老化的现象。结论 采用的结构设计方法和制备工艺可以试制出具有良好电气和机械性能的铠装线及绕组。
      The paper aims to study characteristics of the metal-armored mineral insulated cable (armored cable) for motor winding. The pre-made magnesia porcelain column method was adopted for multi-pass reduction of armored cable composed of 316L material outer protective cover, high purity magnesium oxide insulator and pure copper wire at temperature no higher than 900 ℃. The trial production of an armored cable with diameter of 2.2 mm and length of 400m and a phase motor winding were completed. The insulation resistance of the armored wire, breakdown voltage and thermal aging performance were studied. The insulation resistance of armored cable at 500 ℃ was not less than 1×108 Ω•m; the breakdown voltage (power frequency 50 Hz) at room temperature and 500 ℃ was not less than 1.95 kV; and the cable had no phenomenon of insulation aging. The structural design method and preparation process can complete trial production of armored cable and winding with good electrical and mechanical properties.
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