Process Optimization for Cold Extrusion of Connection Gear Ring
Received:April 19, 2017  Revised:May 10, 2017
中文关键词: 结合齿圈  冷挤压  正交试验  多岛遗传算法  正压力
英文关键词: connection gear ring  cold extrusion  orthogonal test  multi-island genetic algorithm  extrusion pressure
Author NameAffiliation
SHI Wei-bing Jiangsu Sunway Precision Forging Co., Ltd., Dafeng 224100, China 
YIN Qiang Institute of Forming Technology and Equipment, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200030, China 
YUAN Hai-bing Jiangsu Sunway Precision Forging Co., Ltd., Dafeng 224100, China 
LI Ming-ming Jiangsu Sunway Precision Forging Co., Ltd., Dafeng 224100, China 
GONG Ai-jun Jiangsu Sunway Precision Forging Co., Ltd., Dafeng 224100, China 
HU Cheng-liang Institute of Forming Technology and Equipment, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200030, China 
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      目的 分析不同工艺参数对结合齿圈挤压成形的影响,并进行优化设计。方法 对结合齿圈挤压过程进行有限元仿真,采用正交试验方法分析各关键参数对凸模正压力、填充程度与材料利用率的影响规律,并以三者为优化指标,结合多岛遗传算法进行优化。结果 初始坯料倒角角度α、倒角高度h以及芯轴半径r1、凹模内圈半径r2和凹模圆角半径r3对挤压结果有不同影响,其中对挤压过程中正压力的影响最为显著;随着凹模内圈半径r2的增加,正压力单调下降,其余4个参数对正压力的影响随参数变化有所波动。结论 优化方案的各参数数值为α=30°, h=5.0 mm, r1=23.0 mm, r2=30.8 mm, r3=0.5 mm,优化方案的齿部填充饱满,毛刺明显减少,材料利用率与初始方案相比几乎相等,但凸模正压力降低为初始方案的54.1%,有利于提高模具寿命。
      The paper aims to analyze influences of different parameters on extrusion forming of connection gear ring. The finite element method was used to simulate the extrusion process of connection gear ring. Influences of key parameters on the extrusion pressure of punch, filling degree and material utilization rate of the punch were analyzed by orthogonal test and three indexes were defined as object to be optimized in combination with the multi-island genetic algorithm. The initial chamfer angle α and chamfer height h of hot workpiece, the mandrel radius r1, the inner radius of die r2 and the fillet radius of die r3 had different effects on extrusion results. And the normal pressure of punch was significantly affected and it monotonously decreased with the increase of the inner radius of die r2 and the pressure fluctuated with the change of other four parameters. The parameters of the optimization scheme are α=30o, h=5.0 mm, r1=23.0 mm, r2=30.8 mm, r3=0.5 mm. The filling of the teeth is well and the burr is significantly reduced. The material utilization is the same as the initial scheme, but the extrusion pressure decreases to 54.1%, which is helpful to extend the service life of die.
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