基于ANSYS/LS-DYNA的工程车辆轮辐冲压工艺优化 |
Stamping Process Optimization of Engineering Vehicle Disk Based on ANSYS/LS-DYNA |
Received:May 03, 2017 Revised:May 10, 2017 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2017.03.007 |
中文关键词: 轮辐 壁厚减薄 数值模拟 正交试验 厚板拉深 冲压工艺 |
英文关键词: spoke wall thinning numerical simulation orthogonal test thick blank drawing stamping process |
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中文摘要: |
目的 解决工程车辆轮辐在现有冲压工艺下壁厚的过度减薄问题。方法 基于ANSYS/LS-DYNA软件,建立26.5X24型轮辐有限元分析模型,通过分析塑性变形,探索轮辐壁厚过度减薄的原因。通过正交试验,分析工艺孔直径和相对模具间隙对壁厚减薄的影响规律。通过改变冲压顺序,对原有工艺进行改进。结果 当工艺孔直径为200 mm,相对模具间隙为1.75时,轮辐的最大减薄率由原先31.30%降低至6.09%,工艺孔直径对应的极差值远大于模具间隙对应的极差值。保持相同的工艺参数,通过改进工艺,最大壁厚减薄率由6.09%降至2.61%。结论 工艺孔直径是影响壁厚减薄的主要因素。增大轮辐工艺孔直径或合理安排拉深工艺顺序,均可有效抑制壁厚减薄,且在最优的因素水平下,采用先拉深后翻边的冲压工艺与增大工艺孔直径相比,抑制减薄的效果更好。 |
英文摘要: |
The paper aims to solve the problem of over thinning of engineering vehicle’s spoke in existing stamping process. A FEM model of 26.5X24 spoke was established based on ANSYS/LS-DYNA software to explore cause of spoke's over thinning by analyzing plastic deformation. By performing orthogonal test, law of influence of auxiliary hole diameter and relative die on wall thinning was analyzed. Besides, stamping order was changed to improve the existing process. When auxiliary hole diameter of the blank was 200 mm and relative tool gap was 1.75, the maximum thinning rate of spoke decreased from 31.30% to 6.09%, and range value of auxiliary hole diameter was far greater than that of tool gap. Provided with the same process parameters, the maximum wall thinning rate decreased from 6.09% to 2.61% by improving process. The auxiliary hole diameter is the main factor affecting wall thinning, which can be effectively restrained by increasing auxiliary hole diameter of spoke or performing drawing process in reasonable order. In addition, new stamping process has better effects in restraining thinning of spoke provided with the optimal factors and levels. |
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