Superplasticity of Mg-Li System Alloys
Received:February 21, 2017  Revised:May 10, 2017
中文关键词: Mg-Li合金  超塑性  剧烈塑性变形
英文关键词: Mg-Li alloy  superplasticity  severe plastic deformation
Author NameAffiliation
CAO Fu-rong School of Materials Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China 
Hits: 4758
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      Superplasticity is exceptionally high plasticity exhibited by materials at certain temperature and strain rate. By taking advantage of ultra-light density, high specific stiffness and good electromagnetic shielding capability, Mg-Li alloys were expected to be applied in aerospace, military affairs, automobile, 3C electronic field, etc. Research status of superplasticity of Mg-Li system alloys at home and abroad was reviewed. The superplasticity induced by rolling, extrusion, equal channel angular pressing, friction stir processing, differential speed rolling, high-pressure torsion and multidirectional forging was introduced. Existing problems and further research direction were pointed out for the superplasticity of Mg-Li system alloys.
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