U 型弯板弯曲工艺与模具设计
Bending Technology and Mould Design of U-shaped Bending Plate
Received:February 26, 2017  Revised:March 10, 2017
中文关键词: U 型弯板  弯曲工艺  模具设计
英文关键词: U-shape plate  bending technology  mould design
Author NameAffiliation
LI Jia-bin Shenyang Institute, CCTEG, Shenyang 110000, China 
Hits: 4809
Download times: 4410
      为提高U 型弯板生产效率、取消二次校形工序、方便卸料,设计制作了新结构的弯板弯曲模具。经对新结构的模具进行验证,模具结构合理,可补偿弯曲回弹,方便卸件,且增加了模具长度方向尺寸,一次可弯曲2 件弯板,提高生产效率。
      The paper aims to improve the production efficiency of the U-shaped bending plate, cancel second shaping process and make unloading convenient. A plate bending mould of new structure was designed, manufactured and verified. Its structure was rational. The bending springback could be compensated and the plate could be removed easily. The length of the mould was increased. Two plates could be put on the mould and bent at a time, so the production efficiency is increased.
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