Influence Factors of Blanking Springback in Non-oriented Silicon Steel
Received:February 27, 2017  Revised:March 10, 2017
中文关键词: 无取向硅钢  回弹  残余应力  各向异性  压边面积
英文关键词: non-oriented silicon steel  springback  residual stress  material anisotropy  margin area
Author NameAffiliation
WU Wei State Key Laboratory of Materials Processing and Die and Mould Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074, China 
CAO Hong-zhi State Key Laboratory of Materials Processing and Die and Mould Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074, China 
OU Hao State Key Laboratory of Materials Processing and Die and Mould Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074, China 
ZHANG Xiang-lin State Key Laboratory of Materials Processing and Die and Mould Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074, China 
LUO Zhong-han National Engineering Research Center for Silicon Steel, Wuhan Iron and Steel Group Corp,Wuhan 430080, China 
CHEN Sheng-lin National Engineering Research Center for Silicon Steel, Wuhan Iron and Steel Group Corp,Wuhan 430080, China 
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      目的 研究材料参数以及冲裁工艺对无取向硅钢冲裁回弹的影响规律。方法 通过拉伸试验和小孔法分别获得无取向硅钢纵横向力学性能各向异性参数和纵横向残余应力差异,结合理论分析和ABAQUS 有限元模拟软件分析材料各向异性、残余应力以及冲裁压边对冲裁回弹的影响规律。结果 实际冲裁Φ40 mm 的圆片时,垂直轧制方向压边面积明显小于轧制方向压边面积,冲裁圆片轧制方向尺寸大于垂直轧制方向,且直径均大于40 mm。板料垂直轧制方向弹性模量和屈服强度高于轧制方向,轧制方向和垂直轧制方向均为残余压应力,且轧制方向残余压应力明显高于垂直轧制方向。结论 无取向硅钢冲裁时,轧制方向回弹大于垂直轧制方向,回弹由材料各向异性、残余应力以及压边面积综合影响导致,且影响程度从大到小依次为:残余应力、各向异性、压边面积。
      The paper aims to study the influence rule of material properties and blanking process parameters on springback in non-oriented silicon steel. Tensile test and hole drilling method were used to get mechanical properties and residual stress of non-oriented silicon steel in rolling direction and vertical direction respectively. Theoretical analysis and finite element simulation software ABAQUS were adopted to analyze influences of material anisotropy, residual stress and margin area on springback. The actual margin area in the direction vertical to rolling direction was apparently smaller than that in the rolling direction when blanking a Φ40 mm circular. The size in the rolling direction was larger than that in the direction vertical to the rolling direction. Both the diameters were larger than 40 mm. Elastic modulus and yield strength in the vertical direction were higher than that in the rolling direction. Residual compressive stress was measured in both rolling direction and vertical direction, and the value in the rolling direction was apparently higher. The springback in the rolling direction is more obvious than that in the vertical direction, which is mainly affected by the material anisotropy, residual stress and margin area together. The influence extent of the three factors from high to low is residual stress, material anisotropy and margin area.
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