Research Status and Development Trend of Fiber Metal Laminates Forming
Received:January 21, 2017  Revised:March 10, 2017
中文关键词: 纤维金属层板  层压固化制备工艺  纤维增强树脂  充液成形
英文关键词: fiber metal laminates  laminated curing process  fiber reinforced resin  hydro-forming
Author NameAffiliation
JIA Xin-qiang School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China 
LANG Li-hui School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China 
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      随着航空航天和汽车等结构领域对轻量化的要求越来越高,纤维金属层板作为一种新型混杂复合材料得到广泛的关注。综述了纤维金属层板的最新研究进展,主要对纤维金属层板进行了3 种不同类型的分类,并对其在飞机和汽车上的应用做了分析,介绍了纤维金属层板制备成形的国内外研究现状,以及针对纤维增强树脂体系的不同而采用的纤维金属层板的2 种成形制备工艺:层压固化制备工艺(包括滚弯成形、喷丸成形)和金属塑性成形工艺(冲压成形、充液成形等),最后对纤维金属层板的特性及其在未来航空航天和汽车制造上的生产应用进行了展望。
      With increasing demand for lightweight in aerospace, automotive and other structural fields, as a new type of hybrid composites, fiber reinforced metal laminates capture wide attention. This paper introduced latest research progress of fiber metal laminates. It classified fiber metal laminates into three types, analyzed their application in aircraft automobiles, and introduced research status of preparing fiber reinforced metal laminates forming system at home and abroad, as well as for fiber reinforced resin system with different fiber reinforced metal laminates using the two forming preparation process: laminated curing preparation (including roll forming and shot blasting forming) and metal plastic forming processes (stamping forming, hydro-forming, etc.). Finally, it prospected characteristics and future development and application of fiber metal laminates.
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