Spinning Forming Equipment Development of Super-long Tubes
Received:November 13, 2016  Revised:January 10, 2017
中文关键词: 超长形件  张力  浮动芯模  同步旋转  旋压
英文关键词: super-long tubes  tension  floating mandrel  synchronous rotation  spinning
Author NameAffiliation
MA Shi-cheng Aerospace Special Materials and Processing Technology Institute, Beijing 100074, China 
WANG Dong-po Aerospace Special Materials and Processing Technology Institute, Beijing 100074, China 
WANG Yu-yi Aerospace Special Materials and Processing Technology Institute, Beijing 100074, China 
ZHAO Wen-long Aerospace Special Materials and Processing Technology Institute, Beijing 100074, China 
WU Zhi-gang Aerospace Special Materials and Processing Technology Institute, Beijing 100074, China 
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      目的 针对超长筒形件旋压成形的技术难题,研制了一种全新的多功能旋压成型设备。方法 该设备是由机械、液压、电气系统组成数控旋压设备,设备本体采用了卧式整体框架结构、纵向双丝杠驱动、双主轴箱、支撑装置等机构,为旋压加工超长筒形件提供了重要的手段。结果 超长筒形件旋压成形设备具有工件同步旋转、轴向牵引力、浮动芯模、在线检测等多种功能和技术。结论 能够有效地解决超长筒形件弯曲变形、扭转变形、刚度不足及超长芯模的制造难题,对提高此类零件的加工精度和质量具有重要意义。
      The paper aims to develop a type of new multifunctional spinning equipment for the spinning forming of super-long tubes which is considered as a technical challenge. The computerized numerical control (CNC) equipment consisted of mechanical, hydraulic and electrical systems and its monolithic construction was designed as a horizontal framework which was equipped with two-lead screw drive, double spindle boxes, support device, etc. It provided important means to process super-long tubes by spinning. The spinning forming equipment for super-long tubes possessed many functions and techniques such as synchronous rotation, axial traction, floating mandrel, online detection, etc. It effectively solves defects of the bending, torsion and insufficient stiffness of super-long tubes as well as issues in manufacturing of super long mandrels. It shows significance in improving the machining accuracy and quality of super-long tubes.
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