Electroplating Process of Sn40Pb Eutectic Alloy
Received:November 21, 2016  Revised:January 10, 2017
中文关键词: 电镀  锡铅合金  电流密度  镀液配方  Pb2+浓度  形貌
英文关键词: electroplating  Sn-Pb alloy  current density  plating solution composition  the density of Pb2+  morphology
Author NameAffiliation
GAN Ying-yang Huangzhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China 
LIU Yu Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing 401320, China 
GAN Gui-sheng Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing 401320, China 
WU Yi-ping Huangzhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China 
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      目的 对Sn40Pb共晶合金电镀工艺过程进行研究。方法 采用电镀和超声辅助搅拌,Sn40Pb作为电镀阳极,在铜片上成功的制备了Sn40Pb共晶合金镀层。结果 研究表明随着电流密度增大,镀层厚度增加,镀层中铅含量增加较快,电流密度过大时阴极析氢反应剧烈,锡铅镀层会变得粗糙,致密性变差。结论 当电镀液成分为甲基磺酸为12 mL(24 g/L)、甲基磺酸锡为8 mL(16 g/L)、甲基磺酸铅为3.7 mL时,控制电流密度在4 A/dm2、电镀时间为5 min左右,可以获得接近锡铅共晶的理想合金镀层。
      The paper aims to study the electroplating process of Sn40Pb eutectic alloy. Sn40Pb was used as the electroplating anode. Sn40Pb eutectic alloy coating was prepared on the copper successfully by electroplating and stirring assisted with eultrasonic. The lead content in the coating increased rapidly with the increase of current density and coating thickness. When the current density was too large, the hydrogen evolution reaction at the cathoad was violent, the Sn-Pb Alloy Coating was roughened, and compactness was worsened. When the plating solution composition for methyl sulfonic acid is 12 mL (24 g/L), methyl sulfonic acid tin is 8 mL (16 g/L), and methyl sulfonic acid lead is 3.7 mL, ideal alloy coating which is close to Sn Pb eutectic can be obtained under the condition that the current density is 4 A/dm2 and the electroplating time is about 5 min.
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