Effect of Extension on Electromagnetic Riveting Deformation of Headless Rivet
Received:November 08, 2016  Revised:January 10, 2017
中文关键词: 电磁铆接  无头铆钉  干涉量  放电电压  外伸量
英文关键词: electromagnetic riveting  headless rivet  interference  discharge voltage  extension
Author NameAffiliation
LIU En-yang School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116, China 
FAN Zhi-song School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116, China 
HUANG Wu-ping School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116, China 
DENG Jiang-hua School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116, China 
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      目的 通过无头铆钉外伸量变化对电磁铆接铆钉变形的研究,确定影响规律,以指导实际生产。方法 以2A16无头铆钉为研究对象,通过试验的方法分别改变放电电压,上电压与上外伸量,下电压与下外伸量的大小与匹配关系,进而得到较优参数,并在较优参数下进行连接试验以及性能分析。结果 铆钉干涉量随着放电电压的增加而增加,随着外伸量的增加而减小;连接件性能检测发现,镦头是否铣平对剪切强度影响不大,但镦头铣平后拉脱强度有所减小。结论 理想的干涉配合需适当提高电压及合适的外伸量,当上电压为225 V、下电压为170 V、上外伸量为1.5d、下外伸量为1.1d时,干涉配合程度较好;连接件镦头铣平后拉脱强度有所减小,为满足铆钉的拉脱强度,可适当增加钉孔锪窝深度。
      The work aims to determine the influence rules and guide practical production by researching effect of extension on the electromagnetic riveting deformation of headless rivet. With 2A16 headless rivet as the object of study, the volume and matching relation between the discharge voltage, the higher voltage and the higher extension, the lower voltage and the lower extension were changed by testing to gain optimum parameters and carry out connecting test and performance analysis. The interference amount of rivet increased with the increase of the discharge voltage and the decrease of the extension amount. The connection property test showed that the effect of the milling head on the shear strength was not significant, but the pull-off strength decreased to some extent after milling. Ideal interference fit requires improving the voltage properly and appropriate extension. When the higher voltage is 225 V, the lower voltage is 170 V, 1.5d on the higher extension and 1.1d on the lower extension, a better interference fit can be obtained. The pull-off milling strength decreases to some extent after milling. The dimple rivet hole might be deepened properly to meet the pull-out strength of rivet.
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