Thermal Profile Control Effect of Sectional Cooling for Work Roll of Aluminum Cold Strip Mill
Received:December 27, 2016  Revised:January 10, 2017
中文关键词: 轧辊温度场  热辊型  有限元  分段冷却
英文关键词: roll temperature field  thermal profile  finite element  sectional cooling
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Wei College of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116, China 
LIU Chuan-xiang College of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116, China 
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      目的 研究铝带冷轧机轧辊热辊型调控功效对分段冷却流量分布的影响。方法 利用ANSYS有限元软件及其APDL参数化编程语言,建立工作辊温度场和热辊型轴对称仿真模型,对轧辊温度场仿真结果和实测数据进行对比分析,对轧辊基本冷却和分段局部冷却2种模式的热辊型调控效应进行了仿真分析。结果 轧辊温度场仿真模型计算结果与实测结果误差较小。热辊型调控功效分析表明,二次基本冷却模式能改善轧辊中部冷却效果,减少板边处轧辊局部冷却能有效改善板边处轧辊的温降,得到了二肋浪位置附近喷嘴对二肋浪处热辊型的调控效应系数相对比例。结论 热辊型调控功效分析研究结果为二肋浪等局部板形控制的分段冷却流量的确定提供了依据。
      The work aims to study the thermal profile control effect of sub-sectional cooling for work roll of aluminum cold strip mill. An axis-symmetric simulation model of work roll temperature field and thermal roll profile was established for cold rolled strip mill by using the ANSYS finite element software and APDL parametric programming language. Simulation results and measured data of roll temperature field were compared and analyzed. The roll thermal profile control effects of the basic cooling mode and the sectional local cooling mode were simulated and analyzed. The results showed that the difference of simulation results of the roll temperature field model and the measurement data was small. The analysis of the thermal profile control effect showed that second order basic cooling pattern could improve the cooling effect of the central zone of the work roll, the local decreased cooling at the roll barrel edge could facilitate reducing temperature drop, and the relative ratio of the cooling control effect coefficients of the nozzles near the roll barrel quarter position on the thermal camber at the roll quarter position was obtained. The research results of the thermal roll profile control effect provides the basis of determining sectional coolant flow rate for controlling such local flatness defects as quarter buckling.
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