Influences of Process Parameters on Metal Flow of Plate Roll Forming
Received:December 07, 2016  Revised:January 10, 2017
中文关键词: 辊弯成形  导流板  金属流动规律  铝合金
英文关键词: roll forming  deflector  law of metal flow  aluminum alloy
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Hou-gao Shandong Nuclear Power Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd, Yantai 265100, China 
SU Chun-jian Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, China 
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      目的 提高辊弯成形工艺中工件的最终成形尺寸精度,并为辊弯成形工艺参数的制定提供理论依据。方法 以非能动空气导流板辊弯成形为研究对象,对不同参数下金属的流动规律进行研究。建立非能动空气导流板辊弯成形实验和仿真模型,根据模型,分析不同结构参数对金属成形流动规律的影响。结果 较大摩擦不利于板材成形,摩擦因数为0.06~0.2之间时成形较好,建议采用塑料润滑;随着板材成形速度的增大,金属的变形抗力增大,板材与轧辊之间出现打滑现象,成形速度为5~10 m/min时成形结果较好;随着轧辊间距的增大,板材刚度降低,不利于板材成形,故其间距取为450~560 mm之间。结论 实验结果与仿真结果基本一致,结果表明采用控制成形参数可以有效控制板材的金属流动,从而控制板材辊弯成形以得到更高精度。
      The work aims to improve final forming dimensional accuracy of work pieces in roll forming process and provide theoretical basis for predicting parameters of roll forming technology. The roll forming of passive air deflector was taken as the research object in this paper to study influences of different parameters on the law of metal flow. Experiment and simulation model of the roll forming of passive air deflector were established. Influences of different structure parameters on the law of metal flow were analyzed according to the model. Larger friction was not conducive to sheet metal forming. It was better to choose the friction coefficient of 0.06~0.2. Plastic lubrication was recommended; the deformation resistance of the metal increased with the increase of the sheet forming speed, and the slip phenomenon occurred between the plate and the roller. It was better to choose the forming speed of 5~10 m/min. With the increase of roll spacing, the rigidity of the sheet was lowered. It was not conducive to the formation of sheet, so the distance was taken between 450 mm and 560 mm. The test result is basically in agreement with the simulation result. Therefore, the metal flow can be effectively controlled by controlling the forming parameters, so as to control the sheet roll forming to achieve higher accuracy.
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