Lean Process Design of High-strength and High-conductivity Copper Alloy Contact
Received:September 08, 2016  Revised:November 10, 2016
中文关键词: 铜合金  触头  精益  工艺
英文关键词: copper alloy  contact  lean  process
Author NameAffiliation
YANG Li Henan Jianghe Machinery Co., Ltd., Yuxi Group, Lushan 467337, China 
ZHANG Qi Henan Jianghe Machinery Co., Ltd., Yuxi Group, Lushan 467337, China 
GAO Da-wei Henan Jianghe Machinery Co., Ltd., Yuxi Group, Lushan 467337, China 
XU Yan-tao Henan Jianghe Machinery Co., Ltd., Yuxi Group, Lushan 467337, China 
GUO Ling- ling Henan Jianghe Machinery Co., Ltd., Yuxi Group, Lushan 467337, China 
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      目的 改进原制造工艺中存在的材料利用率低、生产周期长、能耗高等不足,降低产品制造成本。方法 在分析高强高导铜合金触头结构特点、技术要求和加工工艺的基础上,利用铜合金在线固溶、精密锻压等先进工艺方法,对原制造工艺进行精益设计和工艺试验。结果 采用精益设计后的工艺方案,试验出的产品质量稳定,降低了能耗,缩短了生产周期,提高了材料利用率。结论 该工艺方案经推广应用经济且实用,满足批量生产使用要求。
      The work aims to improve such deficiencies as low material utilization ratio, long production cycle and high energy consumption, so as to reduce the costs of products manufactured. Based on analyzing structure features, technical requirements and processing technology of high-strength and high-conductivity copper alloy contact, the lean design and process test of the original manufacturing process were conducted with the advanced technology and methods, such as on-line solution of copper alloy and precision forging. By adopting the process plan after the lean design, the quality of the products experimented was stable, the energy consumption was reduced, the production cycle was shortened and the utilization ratio of materials was improved. The process plan, through popularization and application, has been proven to be economical and practical and meet the operating requirements of mass production.
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