Research and Application on Tank Forming Techniques of Concrete-mixer
Received:September 25, 2016  Revised:November 10, 2016
中文关键词: 罐体  参数化  数控下料  螺旋线
英文关键词: tank  parameterization  numerical control blanking  helical curve
Author NameAffiliation
LI Bing School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hubei University of Automotive Industry, Shiyan 442002, China 
ZHANG Chun School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hubei University of Automotive Industry, Shiyan 442002, China 
XIAO Hai-feng School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hubei University of Automotive Industry, Shiyan 442002, China 
LI Dan Quality Assurance Department, DFAC, Wuhan 430000, China 
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      目的 针对混凝土搅拌车罐体在卷锥成形时坯料下料不精确、出料率低、成形精度差等问题,对混凝土搅拌车罐体成形技术进行优化。方法 通过对罐体螺旋线的参数化和优化设计,进而优化坯料,并通过数控精确下料,从而改善罐体成形的精度。结果 优化罐体结构和精确下料可以提高罐体成形精度,提高出料率,出料率达到98%以上。结论 罐体结构优化和坯料优化对罐体卷锥成形精度影响较大。
      The paper aims to optimize tank forming techniques of concrete-mixers in allusion to problems such as blanking inaccuracy, low output rate and poor forming precision. Blanks were optimized by parameterization and optimization design of helical curve of tank. Precision of tank forming was improved by precise blanking under numerical control. The optimization of tank structure and precise blanking could improve forming accuracy of tank and increase output rate to over 98%. Optimization of tank structure and blank has great influences on precision of roll cone forming.
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