Finite Element Flow Simulation and Mould Design for Injection Forming of New Mouse Base
Received:October 10, 2016  Revised:November 10, 2016
中文关键词: 鼠标底座  模具设计  注射成形  有限元仿真
英文关键词: mouse base  mould design  injection molding  finite element simulation
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Li-li College of Art and Design, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China 
LUO Jun-ting College of Mechanical Engineering, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China 
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      目的 设计并制造出新颖、使用方便以及功能齐备的鼠标。方法 采用3D打印技术打印了新型鼠标模型。在设计浇注系统的基础上,对新型鼠标底座的注射成形工艺流动过程进行了有限元仿真。分析了充填成形过程中的充填时间和冷却固化时间、体积收缩率与缩痕、塑件的变形情况、表层与心部的取向、残余应力以及气孔和熔接线等相关参数。结果 成功完成了鼠标底座的注射成形模具的设计。结论 采用3D打印技术与有限元模拟相结合的方法,来开发新型塑料制品,能有效节省设计时间、保证设计质量。
      The mouse is an important accessory in computer equipment and it is the goal of the designer The paper aims to design and create a new mouse which is easy to use and has complete function. A new mouse model This paper designs a new type of mouse with beautiful appearance and comfortable handle is designed, and the mouse model is was printed by 3D printing technology. Based on the design of gating system, the a finite element simulation on of the injection molding forming and flowing process of the new type of mouse base is was carried out. The Related parameters such as filling time, cooling and solidifying time, volume shrinkage rate, sink mark, the deformation of plastic pieces, orientation of surface and core, residual stress and weld lines during filling and forming process are were analyzed. Finally, design of the injection mold forming mould of the mouse base wasis designedcompleted. Developing new plastic products in Using the combination of 3D printing technology and finite element simulation to develop a new type of plastic products can saves the design time and ensures the quality of the design.
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