TC4 钛合金高压扭转变形过程数值模拟
Numerical Simulation of High-pressure Torsion (HPT) of TC4 Alloy
Received:October 11, 2016  Revised:November 10, 2016
中文关键词: 钛合金  数值模拟  高压扭转  优化
英文关键词: titanium alloy  simulation  high-pressure torsion  optimization
Author NameAffiliation
LYU Meng School of Materials Science & Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Heifei 230009, China 
XU Chuan School of Materials Science & Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Heifei 230009, China 
YUAN Bao-guo School of Materials Science & Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Heifei 230009, China 
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      目的 研究 TC4 钛合金高压扭转变形过程,得到最佳的变形条件。 方法 以不同高径比的 TC4 钛合金饼坯为研究对象,利用 Deform-3D 数值模拟软件模拟其高压扭转变形过程,分析高压扭转变形过程中的变形情况以及等效应变分布规律,分析摩擦因数、变形温度、轴向压力对钛合金高压扭转变形过程的影响并对其进行优化。结果 摩擦因数对高压扭转变形过程的影响比较大,当摩擦因数达到 1 时,高压扭转变形过程相对容易进行。变形温度对高压扭转变形过程的影响不是很明显,不过温度越高,变形越容易进行。轴向压力越大,变形越不均匀,轴向压力选择 314 kN 为最佳变形条件。 结论 摩擦因数较大,利于 TC4 高压扭转变形过程。变形温度对高压扭转变形过程影响不大。轴向压力选择适当利于高压扭转变形过程。
      To study the High-pressure Torsion(HPT) forming process of TC4 alloy and obtain the optimal optimization for it. High-pressure torsion(HPT) forming process of TC4 alloy was studied by Deform-3D software. The deformation and the strain were analyzed during the process of HPT. Effects of friction factor、 deformation temperature and axial compressive force on the HPT process of TC4 alloy were analyzed. Results show that effect of friction factor on the HPT process was obvious, the HPT was quietly easy to be carried out when the friction factor was 1. The effect of the deformation temperature on the HPT process of TC4 alloy was not obvious. When the temperature increased, the HPT was easy to be carried out. What's more, when the axial compressive force added to the workpiece increased, the deformation of HPT was not uniform gradully. 314 kN is the optimal value in this paper. The higher friction factor and appropriate axial compressive force was optimal optimization for HPT of the TC4 alloy. The HPT process was not insensive to the deformation temperature.
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