钛合金多向锻造数值模拟 |
Numerical Simulation Study of Multi-directional Forging of Titanium Alloy |
Received:October 10, 2016 Revised:November 10, 2016 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2016.06.010 |
中文关键词: 数值模拟 TC4钛合金 多向锻造 |
英文关键词: numerical simulation TC4 titanium alloy multi-directional forging |
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中文摘要: |
目的 研究TC4钛合金在多向锻造过程中的变形行为。方法 基于Deform-3D模拟软件平台,对钛合金的多向锻造变形过程进行有限元模拟分析,研究不同工艺参数(锻造温度、锻造速度、锻造工步)下合金最大主应力、等效应变和载荷最大值的变化规律。结果 多向锻造的每工步锻造为典型的镦粗过程,坯料中心部位一直受压应力作用,鼓肚处则出现最大拉应力。随着锻造温度的升高和锻造速度的减小,最大压应力和拉应力均减小,多工步锻造之后合金主应力场分布更加均匀。随着锻造工步的增加,坯料等效应变增大且中心大变形区域体积分数增加。最大载荷随锻造温度的升高和锻造速度的降低而减小,相同参数下不同锻造工步的载荷最大值变化不大。结论 锻造温度、锻造速度、锻造工步对TC4钛合金多向锻造变形行为有显著的影响,适当选择多向锻造工艺参数,可以降低载荷并获得均匀性较好的坯料。 |
英文摘要: |
The aim of this study was to investigate the deformation behavior of TC4 titanium alloy during multi-directional forging. Based on Deform-3D simulation software platform, the deformation process of titanium alloy during multi-directional forging was analyzed, and maximum principal stress, equivalent strain and the maximum load under different parameters (forging temperature, forging speed, forging steps) were studied. Each step of forging is a typical upsetting process, the central portion of the blank exhibits compressive stress while the bulging area presents maximum tensile stress. The maximum compressive stress and tensile stress decrease with the increase of forging temperature and decrease of forging speed, and maximum principal stress distributes more uniformly after multi-steps of forging. The equivalent strain and the volume fraction of large deformation central region increase with the increase of the forging step. The maximum load decreases with the increase of forging temperature and decrease of forging speed, the maximum load has not change much with the increase of forging step under the same parameters. According to the simulation result, forging temperature, forging speed and forging step have a significant impact on the deformation of TC4 titanium alloy during multi-directional forging. The load could be reduced and the uniformity could be improved if the forging process parameters are appropriate. |
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