Process Analysis and Experimental Investigation on Hydroforming of the Complex Sheet Metal Parts
Received:September 18, 2016  Revised:November 10, 2016
中文关键词: 充液成形  复杂钣金零件  破裂  起皱  反胀压力  最大液室压力
英文关键词: hydroforming  complex sheet metal parts  fracture  wrinkle  initial inverse pressure  full pressure
Author NameAffiliation
XU Long AVIC Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Group Co., Ltd., Nanchang 330024, China 
SHU Fei AVIC Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Group Co., Ltd., Nanchang 330024, China 
GONG Gan-lin AVIC Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Group Co., Ltd., Nanchang 330024, China 
HAN Jin-quan Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China 
MENG Bao Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China 
WAN Min Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China 
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      目的 研究复杂钣金零件充液拉深的成形性能,以代替传统的落压成形工艺。 方法 采用有限元方法对成形过程进行模拟,分析各工艺参数对零件成形质量的影响,以及起皱、破裂等缺陷出现的原因和避免方法,并获得合理的工艺参数范围。以仿真结果为依据,设置工艺试验的初始参数,对该复杂钣金零件进行充液成形试验,以验证工艺可行性。 结果 有限元仿真对成形过程中的起皱和破裂缺陷预测准确,并给出了可行的工艺参数范围;通过成形试验,验证了工艺参数的合理性,获得了合格零件。 结论 充液拉深工艺可以明显改进零件的成形性能,反胀压力、最大液室压力等是充液拉深工艺的重要参数,直接影响着充液拉深过程的成败。
      The work aims to research the hydroforming process of the complex sheet metal parts to replace the traditional stamping process. The hydroforming process of the parts was simulated by the finite element method (FEM) to analyze the influence of all process parameters on the parts and the causes & avoiding methods of the wrinkles and fractures incurred, and obtain the reasonable range of the process parameters. Based on the simulation results, the initial parameters of the process test were set. The hydroforming experiments were conducted to verify the feasibility of the hydroforming process. The defects of wrinkles and fractures were accurately predicted through finite element simulation and the range of feasible process parameters was given. Through the hydroforming experiments, the rationality of process parameters was verified and the qualified parts were obtained. In conclusion, hydroforming can obviously improve the forming performance of the parts. The initial inverse pressure and the full pressure, are the important parameters of hydroforming that directly affect results of the hydroforming process.
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