基于 CMT 电弧增材的焊缝成形尺寸规律研究
Rules of Bead Forming Dimension of CMT-based Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing
Received:July 31, 2016  Revised:November 10, 2016
中文关键词: 冷金属过渡  焊缝成形尺寸  正交试验  多元线性回归
英文关键词: cold metal transfer  bead forming dimension  orthogonal experiments  multiple linear regressions
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Zhi-sen School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350001, China 
XUE Ding-qi School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350001, China 
HAN Shao-hua School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350001, China 
DENG Jiang-hua School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350001, China 
WANG Lin Fujian Haiyuan Automatic Equipments Co., Ltd., Fuzhou 350000, China 
YAO Li-gang School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350001, China 
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      目的 研究焊接参数对焊缝成形尺寸的影响规律。 方法 基于冷金属过渡技术,采用正交试验方法得到在不同参数组合下焊缝熔宽、余高和第 2 层增高,通过多元线性回归拟合,建立了焊缝熔宽、余高和第 2层增高与焊接参数之间的回归模型。结果 影响焊缝熔宽和余高的主要焊接参数是焊接速度,影响焊缝第 2 层增高的主要焊接参数是送丝速度,而层间温度的变化对熔宽会有显著影响,但是对余高和第 2 层增高的影响不大,而且焊缝第 2 层的增高与余高在数值上存在较大的差异,对比预测值和试验值验证了回归模型的准确性。 结论 通过改变焊接速度可以引起熔宽和余高的显著变化,层间温度对余高和第 2 层增高不会造成很大影响。
      The effect of welding parameters on bead forming dimension was studied by the cold metal transfer technology (CMT) in this paper. Bead width, height and second layer height under different parameter combinations was obtained by the orthogonal experiments, and the regression model of bead width, height, second layer height and welding parameters was established by the multiple linear regressions. As a result,welding speed is a main welding parameter which influence bead width and height, and wire feeding speed is a main welding parameter that affect bead second layer height.The change of interlayer temperature has a significant effect on bead width, but it has little effect on the increase of bead height and second layer height, and the increase of bead height and second layer height have great difference in numerical value. The accuracy of the model is verified by comparing the predicted values and the experimental values.In conclusion,by changing welding speed can cause significant changes in bead width and height, and second layer height will not be greatly affected by changing interlayer temperature.
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