Multi-step Simulation of Expanding Exhibition Profiled Ring
Received:October 08, 2016  Revised:November 10, 2016
中文关键词: 锻坯  Q345E异形环件  数值模拟  热辗扩  Simufact
英文关键词: forging stock  Q345E shaped ring  forging simulation  hot rolling  Simufact
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Zhi-jun Shanxi Key Laboratory of Metallic Materials Forming Theory and Technology, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China 
FU Jian-hua Shanxi Key Laboratory of Metallic Materials Forming Theory and Technology, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China 
QI Hui-ping Shanxi Key Laboratory of Metallic Materials Forming Theory and Technology, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China 
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      目的 采用多步辗扩工艺模型虚拟生产异形环件,研究环件多步辗扩过程中环件的成形规律,为实际生产提供工艺参数。方法 利用Gleeble-3500D热模拟实验机对Q345E钢进行单道次热压缩实验,建立环件用钢的流变应力模型,在Simufact中建立大型锻坯外凹槽内台阶环件多步辗扩三维数值稳定辗扩模型,对环件辗扩过程进行数值模拟。结果 在双件辗扩内台阶环件和外凹槽环件的过程中,在与成形辊的接触部位应变场呈现较大值,环件的温度分布从心部到外逐渐降低,环件的应变与温度分布极为不均匀,辗扩过程需要对芯辊分级降速。结论 通过所建立的多步辗扩模型,可以利用矩形锻坯虚拟生产异形环件。
      Production of Special-shaped Rings by Virtual Multi-step Rolling Process Model, Research the Forming Rule of Ring Parts in Multi-step Ring-expanding Process, for the actual production process parameters. Using Gleeble-3500D thermal simulation testing machine had Q345E steel single pass compression test, Established a flow stress model of forging steel, built a large forging stock for the inner ring outer groove step multistep rolling three-dimensional numerical simulation model of the finite element simulation software SIMUFAC, giving a complete numerical simulation; simulation results are shown the strain field exhibits a large value at the contact portion with the forming roll, the temperature distribution of the ring is gradually reduced from the center to the outside, the strain and temperature distribution of the ring are very uneven, rolling process requires the classification of core roll down. Through the establishment of multi-step rolling model can be used for virtual production of rectangular forging billet ring.
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