The Numerical Simulation Based on ABAQUS for Hot Extrusion Forming of Cast Heat-resisting Alloy Steel
Received:August 15, 2016  Revised:September 10, 2016
中文关键词: 大口径厚壁管  ABAQUS软件  热挤压  铸态T/P91合金钢  热力耦合  动态再结晶率
英文关键词: large diameter thick-walled tube  ABAQUS software  hot extrusion  cast T/P91 alloy steel  thermal-mechanical coupling  dynamic recrystallization fraction
Author NameAffiliation
JIA Lu 1.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China
2.Shanxi Key Laboratory of Metal Forming Theory and Technology, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China 
LI Yong-tang 1.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China
2.Shanxi Key Laboratory of Metal Forming Theory and Technology, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China 
LI Zhen-xiao 1.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China
2.Shanxi Key Laboratory of Metal Forming Theory and Technology, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China 
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      目的 以大口径厚壁管短流程铸挤成形工艺为背景,通过ABAUQS有限元模拟软件研究铸态T/P91合金钢热挤压过程中的变形情况。方法 对软件进行二次开发,采用热力耦合分析,研究不同热挤压条件下挤压过程中应力场、应变场及成形件动态再结晶率的变化,最终得出有利于指导工业生产的热挤压工艺参数。结果 模拟结果表明:应力和应变随时间不断增大,增长率在凹模锥角区达到最大值,当材料在挤压力作用下流出挤压筒后,应力不断减小而应变趋于稳定;以成形件流出挤压筒时的径向截面为参考,动态再结晶率分布为中心高两边低,且随着挤压比、初始挤压温度和挤压速度的增大,成形件整体动态再结晶率差别降低;挤压速度越大,成形件应力分布越不均匀。结论 铸态T/P91合金钢热挤压最优工艺参数为:初始挤压温度为1150~1200℃,挤压比为9,挤压速度为25 mm/s。
      The present work was based on the casting-extrusion short forming process of large diameter with thick-walled tube. The deformation conditions of as-cast T/P91 alloy steel during hot extrusion were investigated by FEM simulation software of ABAQUS. Relationships of hot extrusion technological parameters between stress field, strain field, dynamic recrystallization fraction were obtained through ABAQUS. The propriety extrusion parameters with industry guidance were finally proposed through second development and thermal-mechanical coupling analysis of ABAQUS. The simulation results shown that, the value of stress and strain were increased during the extrusion, it is monotonically in the angle area of die. While the stress values decrease with the materials flow out of the extruding container and the strain values become stable. Set radial cross section of product which flowing out of the extruding container as the reference object. The distribution rule of dynamic recrystallization fraction is that, higher in the center and lower in the two sides. Under higher extrusion rate, initial extrusion temperature and extrusion speed, the fraction are higher with smaller gradient. Hence, the non-uniform stress distribution under the higher extrusion speed. Thus, the optimum extrusion parameters are initial temperature 1150~1200℃, extrusion rate is 9 and extrusion speed of 25 mm/s.
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