不锈钢外板对 2219 铝合金拼焊板胀形性能的影响
Effects of Outside Sheet on the Bulging Properties of Inside 2219 Aluminum FSW Sheet
Received:July 29, 2016  Revised:September 10, 2016
中文关键词: 2219 铝合金  拼焊板  液压胀形  成形极限  双层板
英文关键词: 2219 Aluminum alloy  FSW sheet  hydro-bulging  forming limit  double-layer sheets
Author NameAffiliation
XU Yong-chao 1. National Key Laboratory of Precision Hot Processing of Metals, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China
2. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China 
ZHOU Bin-jun School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China 
ZHOU Jiu-hong School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China 
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      目的 现有 2219 铝合金板材宽度不能满足大型复杂曲面件整体流体高压成形需要,仍需采用焊接方法制备成形坯料,焊缝的存在导致铝合金拼焊板整体性能不均匀,影响成形性能及壁厚分布。 方法 提出 2219 铝合金拼焊板的双层板流体高压成形方法,采用 1.8 mm 厚铝合金拼焊板作为内层板, 1mm 厚不锈钢板作为外层板,进行双层板胀形实验研究。对比分析了单层板与双层板条件下 2219 铝合金拼焊板的成形极限、应变及壁厚分布。 结果 外层板的存在能够使板材的极限成形高度和极限应变增加,同时使壁厚分布更加均匀。 结论 双层板之间存在界面摩擦,可以提高内层拼焊板的成形极限、改善壁厚分布。
      For 2219 aluminum alloy sheet, it is not wide enough to form a large sheet part with complex shape. Welding is used to manufacture the sheet blank. Due to the welding seam, the property of FSW sheet is not uniform, and it influences the formability and the thickness uniformity. In the paper, double-layer sheets hydroforming was proposed. 1.8mm thick 2219 aluminum alloy FSW sheet acted as an inside sheet, and 1mm thick stainless steel sheet acted as an outside sheet. Hydrobulging of double-layer sheets was experimentally performed. Forming limit, strain and thickness distribution was analyzed under the condition of single layer sheet and double layer sheets, and showed that the interfacial friction between the double-layer sheets has improved the forming limit and thickness distribution of inside 2219 aluminum FSW sheet.
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