基于瞬时频率估计阶比法的电机振动信号分析 |
Analysis of Motor Vibration Signal Based on Instantaneous Frequency Estimation |
Received:June 01, 2016 Revised:July 10, 2016 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2016.04.020 |
中文关键词: 瞬时频率 阶比法 电机 振动信号 |
英文关键词: instantaneous frequency order ratio method motor vibration signal |
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中文摘要: |
电机转轴是电机中至关重要的精密零部件,运用信号分析的方法,可对电机转轴进行预估评价。为提高电机转轴的安全性,降低事故率,利用瞬时频率估计法与阶比法计算分析电机的振动信号,并进行电机实际缺陷情况下的验证试验。结果表明,基于瞬时频率估计阶比法能对信号进行有效降噪处理,准确地预测故障缺陷的具体位置。 |
英文摘要: |
The motor rotating shaft is a very important part of the motor. It can be estimated and evaluated by using the method of signal analysis. In order to improve the safety of the motor shaft and reduce the accident rate, the vibration signal of the motor was calculated by the method of instantaneous frequency estimation and the order ratio method. The results show that the method based on instantaneous frequency estimation could effectively reduce the noise and accurately predict the specific location of the fault. |
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