基于 UG10.0 整体叶轮数控成形仿真研究
CNC Machining Forming Simulation for Integral Impeller Based on UG10.0
Received:May 20, 2016  Revised:July 10, 2016
中文关键词: 涡轮叶片  自由型面  数控仿真  CAD/CAM  UGNX
英文关键词: turbine blade  free-profiled  numerical control simulation  CAD/CAM  UG NX
Author NameAffiliation
ZENG Nian Zigong Professional Training School, Zigong 643000, China 
Hits: 4531
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      由于整体叶轮构造复杂,加工精度要求严格,其叶片的型面为自由型面并有一定的扭曲,同时叶片内流道较窄,为此在加工时很容易出现过切、碰撞、干涉等现象,加工难度大。结合工程应用,设计了整体叶轮的数控成形整套加工方案,并基于 UG 10.0 软件的 CAD/CAM 功能模块,重点研究了叶片成形过程仿真,验证了方法的可行性。所提出的数控成形加工方案,经仿真验证叶轮能够获得很好的成形, 对整体叶轮及类似零件的精密成形加工具有一定的工程实际意义。
      Integral impeller has a complicated structure and has strict precision requirement on processing. The blade is free-profiled and distorted to some degree, and the flow path is narrow. Hence, prone to overcutting, collision, interference and other problems, the processing is rather difficult. A CNC machining forming proposal was put forward for integral impeller based on engineering application. It focused study on the blade forming process simulation based on UG NX10.0 software CAD/CAM modules and verified the feasibility of the method. The CNC forming proposal could get a better form after verification by simulation. It has a great significance for the precision forming of integral impeller and similar parts.
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