Analysis on the Influence of Initial Forging Temperature on the Formation of the Guide Bushing
Received:June 11, 2016  Revised:July 10, 2016
中文关键词: 导套  初锻温度  数值模拟  精密锻造
英文关键词: guide bushing  initial forging temperature  numerical simulation  precision forging
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Shu-yan Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing 400054, China 
XIA Hua Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing 400054, China 
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      目的 通过数值模拟,找到合理的初锻温度,使导套在合理的工艺参数下更好成形。 方法 结合Deform 软件对导套的成形过程进行数值模拟,重点分析了零件在冷挤压成形过程中的应力场、应变场的变化情况。 结果 通过模拟确定出了合理的初锻温度。 结论 导套在 1000 ℃的初锻温度下的成形效果最好。
      The aim of this study was to use numerical simulation and determine a reasonable initial forging temperature of the guide bushing, and make it form well under reasonable parameters. Combining DEFORM, numerical simulation was conducted for the formation of guide bushing, with focus on the analysis of the change in stress field and strain field of the components in the cold extrusion process. Reasonable initial forge temperature was determined by the simulation. Formation has the best effect when the guide bushing is at 1,000 ℃ initial forging temperature.
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