低活化钢 U 形弯曲工艺仿真及实验研究
Simulation and Experimental Study on U-shaped Bending Process of Low Activation Steel
Received:June 10, 2016  Revised:July 10, 2016
中文关键词: U 形件  低活化钢  折弯工艺
英文关键词: U-shaped parts  low activation steel  bending process
Author NameAffiliation
DING Fang-qiang Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
WU Xin-tao Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
LI Ping Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
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      目的 优化低活化钢的 U 形折弯成形工艺。 方法 应用 DEFORM-3D 仿真软件,对不同工艺参数下的 U 形折弯试验进行模拟,探究成形温度、凸模下行速率以及凹模圆角半径等因素对 U 形折弯效果的影响,对折弯工艺进行优化,最后根据优化参数结果进行实验,并将实验现象与模拟结果进行比较。结果 在成形温度为 600 ℃、凹模圆角半径为 20 mm、凸模下行速率为 0.5 mm/s 时, U 形折弯的模拟效果最优,在此工艺参数下进行折弯实验, 得到的 U 形件满足生产需求。 结论 通过优化合适的工艺参数,使用折弯工艺加工 U 形件完全可行。
      To optimize the bending process of U-shaped for low activation steel, the U-shaped bending tests were simulated by DEFORM-3D simulation software under different process parameters, and the effects of forming temperature, speed and fillet on U-shaped bending were explored to optimize the U-shaped bending process. At last, experiments were taken according to the optimization results, and then the experiment results were compared with the simulation results. The simulation of U-shaped bending had the best effect at 600 ℃, 0.5 mm/s and 20 mm. Bending tests were carried out under these process parameters, and the U-shaped parts obtained met the production requirements. Using the bending process to manufacture the U-shaped parts is completely feasible by optimizing the appropriate process parameters.
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