A Set of Calculation Formulas of the Bending gaps, Steppers and Bending Numbers in Elliptical Cross-section Crane Boom Bending
Received:April 18, 2016  Revised:July 10, 2016
中文关键词: 椭圆形截面  吊臂  折弯  步进  折弯间隙
英文关键词: elliptical cross-section  crane boom  bending  stepper  bending gap
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Zhan-feng Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science &Technology Co., Ltd., Changsha 410006, China 
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      目的 研究椭圆形截面吊臂折弯时折弯间隙和折弯步进的关系。方法 构建了一组吊臂折弯间隙、步进及折弯刀数的计算公式。 结果 结果表明,通过该公式所得折弯工艺参数与实践较吻合,同时,折弯效率也可以得到极大提高,以 180 t 产品为例,增大折弯步进后,折弯效率提高了 20.3%~56.4%。结论 建立了折弯间隙、折弯步进及折弯刀数的数学模型,可以据此得出所需的最优工艺参数,该模型对实际生产具有很好的工艺指导和支撑作用,可极大提高生产效率。
      To study the relationship between bending gaps and steppers in elliptical cross-section crane boom bending, a set of calculation formulas of bending gaps, steppers and bending numbers were established. The results showed that: the bending process parameters calculated by these formulas were relatively consistent with actual conditions. At the same time, bending efficiency could be greatly improved. For example, for a 180t product, its bending efficiency could be increased by 20.3%~56.4% after increasing the bending step. Mathematic models of bending gaps, steppers and bending numbers can obtain the optimized process parameters, thus they provide guidance and support for the actual production of the part and will supply a huge boost in productivity.
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