HONDA “H” 标志实物测量与反求造型
HONDA"H" Marker Real Model Measurement and Reverse Modeling
Received:March 15, 2016  Revised:May 10, 2016
中文关键词: 反求工程  三坐标测量  3D打印
英文关键词: reverse engineering  coordinate measuring  3D printing
Author NameAffiliation
YUAN Bo School of Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Automation Wuhan City Vocational College Wuhan 430064China 
WANG Tian bao Enrollment and Employment Center Inner Mongolia Transportation Vocational Technical College Chifeng 024000 China 
SHA Li School of Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Automation Wuhan City Vocational College Wuhan 430064China 
SONG Jing School of Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Automation Wuhan City Vocational College Wuhan 430064China 
TIAN Man School of Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Automation Wuhan City Vocational College Wuhan 430064China 
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      研究汽车标志反求工程中, 快速数据采集、 数据格式转换和处理的方法。以CATIA V5为数据处理及特征模型软件, 日本FUJIOKA公司生产的BK-1500型三坐标测量机、 Renishaw测头及随机测量系统 (3 Dimensional Graph Measure System) 软件KCMM-PLUS为基础, 对本田CR-V2.4越野车前格栅HONDA “H” 标志建立实物造型模型。提出用反求工程进行点、 线、 面数据采集, 数据格式转换和处理, 实现了实物测量与造型反求, 为3D打印技术提供了前期指导。
      The aim of this study was to investigate fast data acquisition, data format conversion and application processing in Flag Automobile Reverse Engineering.Using CATIA V5 as data processing and feature modeling software,BK-1500-type coordinate measuring machine produced by FUJIOKA,and KCMM-PLUS software of Renishaw probe and random measurement system, the physical model of Honda CR -V2.4 SUV front grille HONDA "H" was established.As a results, point, line and surface data acquisition, data processing and format conversion were proposed, so as to realize the physical measurement and reverse modeling, providing an initial guide for the 3D printing technology.
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