Modified of Butterfly Valve Plate Material
Received:April 13, 2016  Revised:May 10, 2016
中文关键词: 蝶板材料  耐蚀性  材料改性
英文关键词: water pump blade  corrosion resistance  material modification
基金项目:宜宾职业技术学院2014年院级科研项目 (ybzysc14-12)
Author NameAffiliation
DAI Fan Nanchong Technician College Nanchong 637000 China 
DAI Yan-xia The Department of Modern Manufacturing Yibin Vocational and Technical College Yibin 644003 China 
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      目 的 得 到 一 种 综 合 性 能 良 好 且 耐 腐 蚀 性 能 优 异 的 蝶 阀 蝶 板 材 料 。 方 法 以1Cr11Ni2W2MoV钢为基础, 分别在其中添加微量Cu元素和Sn元素, 得到两种新的材料, 对这3种材料进行力学性能、 耐蚀性以及加工性能的测试。结果 在力学性能方面, 添加铜元素对强度影响不大, 但提高了材料的伸长率, 添加锡元素, 强度略有所上升而伸长率变化不显著; 在耐蚀性方面,添加铜元素提高了耐蚀性, 而添加锡元素同样也提高了耐蚀性, 但效果较铜元素差; 在加工性能方面, 添加铜元素提高了其加工性能, 而添加锡元素加工性能有所降低。结论 对于这类蝶板材料, 为提高其加工精度和耐蚀性, 可以在1Cr11Ni2W2MoV钢的基础上添加微量Cu元素; 为提高强度和耐蚀性, 可在1Cr11Ni2W2MoV钢的基础上添加微量Sn元素。
      In order to get good comprehensive properties of butterfly valve plate material applying to water supply system,based on the 1Cr11Ni2W2MoV steel, we added Cu and Sn elements respectively to got two kinds of new materials. The mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and processing performance of these three kinds of materials were tested. The results indicated that in terms of mechanical properties, adding Cu element had little influence on strength but improved the elongation, adding Sn element improved the strength but had little influence on elongation. In terms of corrosion resistance, adding Cu element improved the corrosion resistance and adding Sn element improved the corrosion resistance too but the effect was not better than Cu. In terms of processing performance, adding Cu element improved the cutting performance but the Sn on the contrary. So for the butterfly valve plate material choice, in order to improve the machining accuracy and corrosion resistance,we adopted the material that add Cu element to 1Cr11Ni2W2MoV steel. In order to improve the strength and corrosion resistance, we adopted the material that add Sn element to 1Cr11Ni2W2MoV steel.
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