Process Research on the Lorry-mounted Crane Boom of Single Welding Seam
Received:April 13, 2016  Revised:May 10, 2016
中文关键词: 随车起重机  单焊缝  折弯  六边形吊臂
英文关键词: lorry-mounted crane  single welding seam  bending  hexagonal boom
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Zhan-feng Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science & Technology Co.Ltd.Changsha 410006China 
ZHOU Xian-ping Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science & Technology Co.Ltd.Changsha 410006China 
XIE Xing-hua Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science & Technology Co.Ltd.Changsha 410006China 
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      目的 制作新型的单焊缝随车起重机的六边形吊臂。方法 针对单焊缝吊臂结构特点, 重新设计并制作了模柄较薄的专用折弯模具。结果 结果表明: 采用该模具进行第五刀合缝折弯, 上模头压至最低点时工件开口接近42 mm, 折弯回弹后开口尺寸在50~60 mm之间。结论 新模具可以满足现有型谱最小臂节到最大臂节的折弯。同时, 在后续合缝焊接后, 先前折弯的四刀折弯角度会增大0.1°~0.8°; 而第五刀折弯角度会缩小0.6°~1.9°。
      For producing new-type single welding seam of hexagonal boom of the Lorry-mounted crane boom. According to structural features of single welding seam, we redesigned and prepared a bending die with a special thinner bending shank. The results showed that: using the designed mold for the fifth bending on the work piece,the opening size of the work piece approached 42 mm when the bending die was close to the bottom, and the opening size was in range of 50~60 mm after bending springback. This new mold could meet the requirements of the maximum and the minimum boom cross section. Meanwhile, after the subsequent seam welding,the bending angles of the four previous bending events increased by 0.1°~ 0.8°,and the fifth bending angle decreased by 0.6° ~ 1.9°.
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