汽车转向节热锻工艺分析及模具结构优化设计 |
Automobile Steering Knuckle Hot Forging Process Analysis and Optimized Design of Die Structure |
Received:April 02, 2016 Revised:May 10, 2016 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2016.03.009 |
中文关键词: 转向节 工艺分析 数值模拟 阻力墙 模具结构优化 |
英文关键词: steering knuckle process analysis numerical simulation resistance wall die structure optimization |
基金项目:上海市内涵科研建设项目 (nhky-2013-05); 上海工程技术大学大学生创新训练项目 (cx1505001) |
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中文摘要: |
目的 以某皮卡转向节的热锻模具为研究对象, 基于热锻成形工艺分析对其模具结构进行优化设计。方法 采用DEFORM 3D模拟转向节热锻成形过程, 获得金属流动的规律, 得到锻件难以充填的原因。继而采用阻力墙结构改进模具, 并分析阻力墙对转向节成形过程的影响。结果 原始模具长叉外围桥口阻力太小, 致使预锻和终锻时长叉处金属过早流向飞边, 坯料补给不足, 导致长叉未能完全充满, 形成塌角。结论“大小台阶” 式阻力墙相配合, 可以合理设置各方向上的成形阻力, 使金属变形均匀, 并能在保证成形载荷波动不大的前提下获得较好的充填效果, 解决了长叉充不满的问题。 |
英文摘要: |
Hot-forging die of steering knuckle in the pickup as the research object in this paper,the steering knuckle hot forging forming process were simulated by using DEFORM 3D software and the metal flow rule were studied. The reason of forgings fill difficultly was got,namely the flash land resistance of long fork peripheral is too small,cause the metal premature flow to flash, billet supply shortage, lead to the long fork failed to full completely and forming corner collapse.Based on the results of numerical simulation, the die structure was optimized design by using the resistance wall structure.The results showing that: through different forms of resistance wall forming resistance on each direction can be reasonable setting, make the metal deformation uniformity,and on the premise of forming load fluctuation is not big to obtain good filling effect, the problem of the long forks filling was solved. |
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