Extrusion Process of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Thin Tubes
Received:April 18, 2016  Revised:May 10, 2016
中文关键词: 热挤压  等温挤压  反向温度场挤压  晶粒组织  力学性能
英文关键词: hot extrusion  isothermal extrusion  un-thermal extrusion  grain microstructure  mechanical performance
Author NameAffiliation
CHEN Zeng-kui China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology Beijing 100076 China 
JIANG Qing Capital Aerospace Machinery Company Beijing 100076 China 
ZHOU Wei-wei Beijing Precision Electromechanical Control Equipment Research InstituteBeijing 100076 China 
GE Dong-sheng Capital Aerospace Machinery Company Beijing 100076 China 
MA Guang-chao Capital Aerospace Machinery Company Beijing 100076 China 
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      目的 得到综合力学性能良好的AZ31镁合金Φ8 mm薄壁管材。方法 研究了热挤压、 等温挤压与反向温度场挤压3种工艺对AZ31镁合金薄壁管材晶粒组织和力学性能的影响。结果 热挤压管材组织不均匀, 头部晶粒粗大、 尾部细小, 等温挤压和反向温度场管材挤压组织较为均匀。结论 反向温度场挤压在模具温度为300 ℃、 坯料温度为20 ℃条件下, 薄壁管材抗拉强度达278MPa, 伸长率达20.1%, 综合力学性能最佳。
      In order to obtain AZ31 alloy thin tubes of Φ8 mm with good mechanical properties, that focused on the effect of grain microstructure and mechanical properties of the as-extruded thin tubes of AZ31 magnesium alloy by hot extrusion, and un-thermal extrusion. Studies have found that microstructure of hot extrusion is uneven, head grains were coarse, the tail grains were relatively small, and the others were well-proportioned. With comparison of The Three mechanical performance, it got the best tube tensile strength of about 278 MPa, elongation of about 20.1% , when un-thermal extrusion is in the mold temperature of 300 ℃,billet temperature is 20 ℃.
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