Effect of Extra-Electromagnetic Field on the Mechanism of In-situ Synthesis WC
Received:April 10, 2016  Revised:May 10, 2016
中文关键词: 原位反应  WC  电磁场
英文关键词: in-situ synthesis  WC  electromagnetic field
基金项目:陕西省榆林市科技局项目 (2015CXY-01)
Author NameAffiliation
NIU Li-bin College of Materials Science and Engineering Xi′an University of Science and Technology Xi′an 710055 China 
GUO Jian-guang College of Materials Science and Engineering Xi′an University of Science and Technology Xi′an 710055 China 
ZHAO Yong College of Materials Science and Engineering Xi′an University of Science and Technology Xi′an 710055 China 
GONG Xu-dong College of Materials Science and Engineering Xi′an University of Science and Technology Xi′an 710055 China 
LIU Dan College of Materials Science and Engineering Xi′an University of Science and Technology Xi′an 710055 China 
LONG Yu-xuan College of Materials Science and Engineering Xi′an University of Science and Technology Xi′an 710055 China 
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      目的 解决铁基体系中难以形成稳定的简单性WC的问题。方法 通过选用钨丝和灰口铸铁为原位反应的合成源, 研究了在Fe-W-C三元体系中, 电磁场作用对原位合成WC机制的影响。结果结果表明: 施加电磁场后, 不但形成的WC颗粒数量增多, 且颗粒的分散性增强, 均呈现出反应、 过渡、 未反应的残余钨丝及基体4个区。未施加电磁场, 不但形成的颗粒少、 分散性差, 而且不存在过渡区。结论 电磁场的搅拌在半固态中的作用: 利于形成一个区域更大的、 富钨富碳的Fe-W-C的三元体系微区; 确保了扩散通道的通畅, 使扩散可持续进行; 增强了微区的浓度起伏, 这些因素均促进了WC颗粒的合成。为原位合成WC颗粒增强金属基复合材料的研究提供了思路。
      The paper focuses on the difficult problem of dispersing the stable simple WC in the Fe-based system, the effect of with or without electromagnetic field on the in-situ synthesized WC was studied by selecting tungsten wire and gray cast iron as the reactive sources. The results were shown than, after applying electromagnetic field, a larger number of WC particles were produced and present apparent, uniform dispersion; on the other hand, the obtained micro-structure includes reaction,transition,un-reactive tungsten wire and matrix zones.However,in the case of without electromagnetic field,the number of WC particles is less,the particles dispersion become worse and no transition zone occurs. The stirring functions of electromagnetic field under the semi-solid state can be given:beneficial to form a more wider and rich tungsten and rich carbon Fe-W-C ternary micro-zone;ensuring the smooth flow freely of the diffusion channel and a sustainable development, enhancing concentration fluctuations in the micro region. These factors modify the formation of WC particles.Therefore, they are benefit to research the in-situ WC particles reinforced metal matrix composites and provide the new idea.
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