Femtosecond Laser Machining Method of Microlens Array
Received:December 10, 2015  Revised:March 10, 2016
中文关键词: 熔融光刻胶法  反应离子束刻蚀技术  微喷打印法  飞秒激光加工法  热压印法
英文关键词: melting photoresist  reactive ion etching technology  micro spray print method  femtosecond laser processing method  hot pressing method
基金项目:陕西国防工业职业技术学院科研项目 (Gfy15-09)
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Wei Shaanxi Institute of Technology Xi′an 710300 China 
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      为研究常用的微透镜制造方法, 通过熔融光刻胶法、 反应离子束刻蚀技术、 微喷打印法、 飞秒激光加工法、 热压印法等的对比, 表明采用飞秒激光加工以及局部腐蚀的方法, 能够加工各种形状的微透镜阵列, 而且加工时间短, 制造成本低, 微透镜最小特征尺寸可以达到30 μm以内。将飞秒激光加工的微透镜阵列作为模板, 运用热压印技术进行复制, 不仅能够获得质量良好的微透镜阵列, 还能够批量化生产, 减小制造成本。
      For the study of micro lens manufacturing methods, the comparison of melting photoresist, reactive ion beam etching technique,micro jet printing method,femtosecond laser processing method and thermal comparison printing concluded that: femtosecond laser machining and the method of local corrosion can be applied to various shapes of micro lens array, with short processing time and low manufacturing cost, and the minimum feature sizes of micro lens can be reached within 30 microns. Conclusion: The femtosecond laser machining of micro lens array as a template, using thermal printing technology to reproduce, can not only obtain good quality micro lens array, but is also suitable for mass production to reduce manufacturing costs.
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