Parameter Optimization of Automatic Inspection Device of the Front Sub Frame Based on Improved PSO
Received:January 20, 2016  Revised:March 10, 2016
中文关键词: 前副车架  自动检具  粒子群优化算法
英文关键词: front sub frame  automatic measuring system  PSO
Author NameAffiliation
JIAO Huan-qing School of Mechanical and Power Engineering North University of China Taiyuan 030051 China 
LIU Bo School of Mechanical and Power Engineering North University of China Taiyuan 030051 China 
WANG Yin-hui School of Mechanical and Power Engineering North University of China Taiyuan 030051 China 
DING Ai -guo School of Mechanical and Power Engineering North University of China Taiyuan 030051 China 
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      汽车前副车架生产过程中需要在线检测其几何参数, 但在检测过程中, 多种因素导致测量值与真实值有偏差, 为了提高效率, 采用自动检测系统。利用气缸将检测机构送进到结构件上的孔、 轴或其他位置。当相对尺寸变化时, 会带动检测机构运动, 通过与检测结构连接的传感器读出相应数据, 再经过信息处理方法计算出结构件的相关几何参数。测量中发现, 压紧、 推动、 翻转等气缸的气压大小会直接影响检测的测量精度, 为了提高测量精度, 在不同气压下, 对某型号前副车架进行了检测, 得到了主要尺寸的测量值, 计算了测量值与真实值的偏差; 采用多项式回归分析法, 得出了气压和前副车架主要尺寸的偏差的关系式; 利用改进粒子群优化算法, 以前副车架主要尺寸的总体偏差和为适应度函数, 迭代寻优得到最佳气压值为0.4578 MPa。
      During the production process of the car about Front Sub Frame,it need to detect its geometric parameters online, but a variety of factors has led to the deviation of measured values and the real value,In order to improve the efficiency, This article uses the automatic test system. Using the cylinder to send testing agency into the structure of hole and shaft or other location. When the relative size changes, it Will drive the testing agency motion, through the detection sensor which connect with testing agency readout corresponding data,the last,through the information processing method to calculate the structural geometric parameters. In the measurement we found, Pressure,promote,flip the pressure size of the cylinder will directly affect the measuring accuracy of detection, in order to improve the accuracy of measurement, under the different pressure to detect the Front Sub Frame of a model,then get the measured value of the main dimensions, and calculate the deviation of measured values and the real value;Using the method of polynomial regression analysis to get the relation between the deviation about Air pressure and the main size of Front Sub Frame; Using improved particle swarm optimization algorithm, the sum of deviation about the main size of The Front Sub Frame as the fitness function, through iterative optimization to get the best air pressure value:0.4578 MPa.
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