Numerical Simulation Study of Casting Process for Aluminum Alloy Piston of Diesel Engine
Received:December 25, 2015  Revised:March 10, 2016
中文关键词: MAGMASOFT  活塞  数值模拟  工艺优化
英文关键词: MAGMASOFT  piston  numerical simulation  process optimization
Author NameAffiliation
SU Ping The Low Speed Machines Laboratory of NO. 91251 Navy Unit Shanghai 200940 China 
CHEN Yun-tao The Low Speed Machines Laboratory of NO. 91251 Navy Unit Shanghai 200940 China 
CHEN Diao-pu Hunan Vanguard Group Co.LTD Changsha 410100 China 
ZHANG Yan-ping Southwest Technology and Engineering Research Institute Chongqing 400039 China 
WANG Jian-mei Southwest Technology and Engineering Research Institute Chongqing 400039 China 
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      目的 优化柴油机铝合金活塞的砂型重力铸造工艺。方法 采用MAGMASOFT铸造仿真软件对ZL109铝合金活塞铸造工艺进行了仿真预测, 分析了铸件充型凝固过程的速度场和温度场, 并预测了缩孔、 缩松等铸造缺陷, 在此基础上优化了浇注系统和铸造工艺参数。结果 铸件充型过程中内浇道金属液流速最高, 液面沿铸件外壁平稳上升, 整体充型过程平稳有序, 铸件整体温度分布为从下到上依次降低; 凝固过程铸件自下而上顺序凝固, 但冒口部分凝固速度过快, 导致铸件顶部和右上部出现缩松、 缩孔缺陷; 通过增设冒口、 降低浇注速度等工艺措施后, 实现了铸件的顺序凝固, 补缩效果明显, 铸件可能发生缩孔、 缩松缺陷的位置已由顶部转至顶冒口和侧冒口等区域。结论 利用铸造仿真软件预测铸件工艺上的缺陷,对铸造工艺进行优化及改进, 能有效预防铸件缺陷的产生, 提高铸件的工艺出品率, 降低生产成本。
      In order to study the sand mold gravity casting process for aluminum alloy piston of diesel engine, the casting process for ZL109 aluminum alloy piston was simulated by the MAGMASOFT casting simulation software, the velocity field and temperature field of the filling and solidification process were analyzed, and the casing defects such as shrinkage cavity and shrinkage were predicted. The gating system and casting process parameters was optimized on this basis. The results showed that the metal fluid velocity of casting runner was the highest in the filling process, the fluid surface rose steadily along the outer wall of the casting, the filling process was smooth and orderly, the temperature distribution of casting was decreasing from bottom to top. In the solidification process,the casting was sequentially solidified from bottom to top, but the solidification velocity of riser was too fast, leading to shrinkage defects on the top and right upper part of the casting. By adding a riser and reducing the casting speed, sequential solidification of the casting was realized and the riser feeding effect was obvious, with the defect positions in the initial casting transferred to the top and side riser area. Prediction of casting defects using casting simulation software to assist optimization and improvement of the casting process could effectively prevent the occurrence of casting defects, improve the process yield,and reduce the production cost.
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