Cold Metal Transfer (CMT)与CMT Advanced的异同研究
The Difference of CMT and CMT Advanced
Received:December 23, 2015  Revised:March 10, 2016
中文关键词: CMT  CMT Advanced  薄板焊接  区别
英文关键词: CMT  CMT Advanced  sheet welding  difference
Author NameAffiliation
GUO Bin Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074 China 
ZHANG Li-chao Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074 China 
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      目的 CMT及CMT Advanced是奥地利Fronius公司开发的2种新型焊接方法。通过实验结合理论分析, 研究这两种焊接方法的区别。方法 在相同的热输入量情况下, 分别采用CMT及CMT Advanced方法进行铝合金薄板对接实验, 通过使用热电偶采集焊接过程的冷却曲线, 游标卡尺测量焊后的变形量及X射线法检测沿焊缝方向的残余应力来对两者进行比较。结果 CMT焊后平均变形量为9.25 mm, 残余应力为(287.2±49) MPa, CMT Advanced焊后平均变形量为8.56 mm, 残余应力为(248.7±45) MPa。结论 与CMT相比, CMT Advanced具有更低的热输入量, 更高的熔敷效率、 间隙搭桥能力及焊接稳定性。
      CMT and CMT Advanced are two new welding methods which developed by an Austrian company Fronius. This article describes the difference of these two welding methods through experimental and theoretical analysis. In order to compare these two welding methods, CMT and CMT Advanced are used for the experiments of aluminum alloy sheet docking in the context of same heat input, and using thermocouples to gather the cooling curve of welding process,using vernier caliper to measure the deformation after welding and using X-ray to detecte the residual stress along weld. The results showed that average deformation of CMT is 9.25 mm,residual stress of CMT is (287.2± 49) MPa,while average deformation of CMT Advanced is 8.56 mm, residual stress of CMT Advanced is(248.7±45) MPa. Compared with CMT, CMT Advanced has a lower heat input, higher deposition efficiency, gap bridging ability and welding stability.
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