Technology and Numerical Simulation of Cold Extruded Square-hole Shaft Sleeve
Received:December 21, 2015  Revised:March 10, 2016
中文关键词: 方形孔轴套  冷挤压  数值模拟  塑性成形
英文关键词: special-shaped shaft sleeve  cold extrunded numerical simulation  top die forming load
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Shu-yan Chongqing University of Technology Chongqing 400054 China 
XIA Hua Chongqing University of Technology Chongqing 400054 China 
QIN Liang-jie Chongqing University of Technology Chongqing 400054 China 
HU Dong Chongqing University of Technology Chongqing 400054 China 
ZHU Xiong Chongqing University of Technology Chongqing 400054 China 
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      目的 通过对方形孔轴套的分析, 确定冷挤压工艺成形方形孔轴套的可行性, 为方形孔轴套的实际生产提供理论依据和支持。方法 结合Deform软件, 对方形孔轴套的挤压成形过程进行了数值模拟, 重点分析了零件在冷挤压成形过程中的应力场、 应变场的变化情况。结果 通过模拟得出, 在成形难度大的区域没有出现折叠和破裂缺陷。结论 确定了冷挤压工艺成形方形孔轴套的可行性。
      The aim of this study is to analysis the difficulty of forming the square-hole shaft sleeve, determine the feasibility of using forming the square-hole shaft sleeve of the cold extrusion technology,and provide the theory basis and the support for the practical production of it. The method of that was doing the extrusion process numerical simulation with DEFORM software. Focus on the analysis the change of stress field,strain field of the components in the preforming process. The result of that there was no folding and cracking did not appear in the molding difficult area by simulating The influences of that was finding the feasibility of using forming the square-hole shaft sleeve of the cold extrusion technology
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