不锈钢/铝/不锈钢复合板拉深工艺及有限元数值模拟 |
Deep-drawing Process and Finite Element Numerical Simulation for Stainless Steel/Aluminum/Stainless Steel Composite Sheet |
Received:January 04, 2016 Revised:March 10, 2016 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2016.02.008 |
中文关键词: 复合板 拉深成形 工艺参数 数值模拟 |
英文关键词: composite sheet deep-drawing process process parameter numerical simulation |
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中文摘要: |
目的 研究各工艺参数对复合板拉深成形工艺的影响, 以指导实际生产。方法 以不锈钢/铝/不锈钢三层复合板为研究对象, 探究了复合板拉深工艺数值模拟的关键技术; 结合有限元数值模拟和试验验证, 预测了复合板在拉深成形中的缺陷, 研究了凹模圆角半径、 凸凹模间隙、 压边力、拉深速度对最大减薄率的影响规律, 并利用正交试验对这4种工艺参数进行了优化。结果 有限元模拟中, 分层复合板模型比整体模型准确度高。最大减薄率随凹模圆角半径的增大而减小, 随着凸凹模间隙的增大而先减小后增大, 随拉深速度的增大而增大, 随着压边力的增大而增大。各成形工艺参数影响最大减薄率的主次顺序是: 凹模圆角半径>压边力>模具间隙>拉深速度。结论 有利于减小最大减薄率的工艺参数优化组合为: 凹模圆角半径为21 mm, 模具间隙为3.2 mm, 压边力为50 kN, 拉深速度为10 mm/s。 |
英文摘要: |
In order to research the effect of process parameters on the forming process of composite plate and give a guidance on the practical production,the three layers composite sheet,stainless steel / aluminum / stainless steel,was taken as the research object. The key techniques of the numerical simulation aimed at its deep-drawing process were studied at first. Combined with numerical simulation and experiments,the defects of composite sheet in the deep-drawing were forecasted, and the effects of die radius, die gap,deep-drawing speed and blank holder force on the process results were researched. The process parameters were optimized by the orthogonal test. The results show that the composite model is more accurate than the whole model. The maximum thinning rate rate decreases with the increase of the die radius, firstly decreases and then increases with the increase of die gap, increases with the increase of the deep-drawing speed and the blank holder forces. The influence sequence of the maximum thinning rate was obtained: the radius of die > the blank hold force > the die gap >the deep-drawing speed. The optimized parameters as follows: the die radius is 21 mm, the die gap is 3.2 mm, the blank holder force is 50 kN, the deep-drawing speed is 10 mm/s. |
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