Texture Component of Barrel after Radial Forging and the Aeolotropism of Material Property after Forging
Received:January 07, 2016  Revised:March 10, 2016
中文关键词: 身管径向锻造  织构分析  各向异性
英文关键词: radial forging of barrel  research of texture  aeolotropism
Author NameAffiliation
XU Xiao School of Mechanical Engineering Nanjing University of Science and Technology Nanjing 210094 China 
FAN Li-xia School of Mechanical Engineering Nanjing University of Science and Technology Nanjing 210094 China 
WANG Ya-ping School of Mechanical Engineering Nanjing University of Science and Technology Nanjing 210094 China 
DONG Xiao-bin School of Mechanical Engineering Nanjing University of Science and Technology Nanjing 210094 China 
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      目的 从细观尺度, 研究某30SiMn2MoVA材料5.8 mm口径身管径向精锻成形的锻后性能。方法 通过X射线衍射 (XRD) 实验分析了锻后身管, 绘制了极图和取向分布函数(ODF)图, 最后利用分析所得主要织构成分, 基于广义胡克定律和Schmid定律研究了锻后弹性模量和屈服强度的各向异性, 并与实验结果进行了对比。结果 锻后身管材料存在纤维织构, 主要织构成分为{111}<1 1 2>, 次要织构成分为{111}<110>; 这两种织构成分对锻后弹性各向异性没有影响, 但主要织构成分使得锻后屈服强度具有各向异性。结论 身管径向精锻工艺, 使得材料屈服强度存在从轧向至横向逐渐降低的各向异性。
      In order to study the properties of 30SiMn2MoVA 5.8 mm-caliber barrel after radial forging in meso-scale,XRD experiment was used to analyze the barrel after forging to draw pole figures and orientation distribution function (ODF) figures. At last,on the basis of texture component we had analyzed,Hooke law and Schmidt law were used to analyze the effects of main texture component on barrel material′s modulus of elasticity aeolotropism and yield strength aeolotropism. Then,the results were compared with experiment. The barrel after forging existed fiber textures,the main texture was {111} <1 1 2> and the secondary texture was {111} <110>. These two textures had no effects on barrel material′ s modulus of elasticity aeolotropism,but the main texture made the phenomenon of yield strength aeolotropism on barrel after forging. Radial forging of barrel made the yield strength of material reducing gradually from rolling direction to lateral direction.
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